
Maybe you’ll find someone else to help you.

Three out of four people in my household have thus far celebrated quarantine birthdays. My wife and I both had ours, and since we are adults, not having some big celebration was no big deal. What did stink was having our 4 year old’s birthday with just us. She’s been looking forward to her birthday for months, and was

Seeing this made me think it was 2012 all over again.

The way his delivery of the Legoland line killed everyone was pretty great.

They are! And Netflix. 

Donald Glover really was the comedic MVP of this show. He’s just astonishingly funny. He brings such a transcendent sweetness/dumbness to Troy.

Harmon has recently said the Netflix upload has sparked interest in a film and he’s got meetings about it. My bet is on a Netflix funded film.

The fidelity on the faces in MK11 using actual actors/models as scans has done wonders graphically. Because yeah, Kitana is SMOKING

I’m pretty sure if NRS wants a specific character in the game they’re not going to be held up by the story. MK9 killed a huge chunk of the classic roster and MKX and 11 have brought them back as revenants with alternate heroic skins. Joker and Green Arrow were brought back in Injustice 2 as a dream sequence and

Yo Kitana got cute as hell

Mortal Kombat needs to officially adopt the concept of a Dream Match a la The King of Fighters. Admittedly, that’s essentially the purpose served by both Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 and Armageddon, but somewhat more haphazardly as there’s no official cadence to it as there is (or was) with The King of Fighters.

feels like this is the actual darkest season we were promised S3 would be

Well, that’s always been part of the show. Rick always tries to temper Morty’s personality, because a cocky Morty who does what he wants is dangerous, as you can see in Close Rick-counters of the Rick Kind and in Edge of Tomorty: Rick Die Rickpeat.

I think and maybe I’m overly hopeful, that the “Morty’s Dream Girl Sequence” (Rick and Morty’s riff on the opening of Up?) is more than a tangent.

Is it just me or have a lot of the episodes this season had a theme of Morty trying to gain some agency in his relationship with Rick and Rick vindictively punishing him for it? Even for a show as dark and cynical as this so often is, it’s starting to feel a little mean-spirited.

Chips right out of the fryer are more awesome than out of the bag, though, although you’re right on the PITA factor. My vote would be for tater tots. They are mostly missing from my grocery store, and while decent french fries and hash browns are doable at home, I can’t imagine the hassle of getting tots right, and I

No more articles in the slideshow format please. It’s garbage. 

That round three...just a murderers row of good eats. I’ve got Allison winning, but everyone really knocked this one out of the park.  

Best draft yet - really enjoyed reading it. Pasta is just such a useful base for food...thank you.