
I think the biggest issue with the “schlub gets the hot girl” trope isn’t so much the attractiveness differential - we’ve all seen couples in the real world where one person is much more physically attractive than the other. The problem is that most of these movies and shows don’t put in the work to make the

It’s 100% girlfriend-in-Canada bullshit.

I mean, it’s not like that’s all he was doing. It was probably a few hours of effort over a period of a year. Totally worth it.

/r/thathappened material for sure.

Thats some Count of Monte Cristo shit

So that guy dedicated a year of his life forming a fake friendship in order to get back at the guy who . . . spoiled a movie?

I was gonna say, he got his payback, but the odds of him dying alone and being undiscovered until his neighbors notice the foul odor just doubled.

So this asshole was in the theater with his phone out taking pictures? He’s worse than the spoiler.

This is some Cask of Amontillado shit right there.

So... we’re just going to ignore that “A Dog’s Journey” is coming out the same day as “John Wick?” Everyone? Everyone? Ok then.

I actually once wrote something like Brightburn as a Doctor Who fan story, where the Doctor travels to 1920s Kansas to discover that a Depression-era family is raising an alien with the potential to destroy Earth, and the Doctor’s sidekick is a NYC journalist named “Jerry Ess” who is writing about an anomaly in Kansas.

Are Spaniards included as “Latinx”? And if the Welsh Anthony Hopkins must be ignored, why not the similarly Welsh Catherine Zeta-Jones (and the English Stuart Wilson)? And how does one pronounce “Latinx”? “Latin Ecks”? Or “Latinks”?

“El Chicano is being billed as the first superhero movie with an all Latinx cast.”

Since the 11 years I’ve moved out of Texas, and living in a tiny town of 2,000 in Montana, the best food I’ve ever had is a condiment. And a tinier town south of me in Absarokee makes the best jams and jellies I’ve ever tasted in my life. And people like these need to be heard a little more. Great article Kate!

The idea of a city of 187,000 people being “small town” because it’s in Tennessee is absurd. Of course 187,000 people in a city that isn’t full of skyscrapers will “sprawl.”

When she was I first announced, I rolled my eyes because it was obvious blatant stunt casting. I figured she had no voice acting experience or training, but since I had not really listened to her speak before (don’t watch MMA or wrestling), I didn’t quite know what to expect.

Well then you’re not AlwaysWrong are you?

You really know nothing about the hazards of being trans, even in today’s world. 

Me after reading the headline: “yeah her acting was kinda bad at some points they should have got a real VA for the job”