
What I liked about the Endgame opening and the Ant-Man and the Wasp credits sequence was that it reminds you that even though there is a big-ass battle going on in one particular place on Earth, many, many people elsewhere on the planet are completely oblivious to it. For most people on Earth and in the rest of the

The way I think about it is that Stephen Strange saw, what, 14 million possible futures playing out and only one of them panned out for the heroes.

Fight the real enemy: the rat in The Departed.

“Scott Lang will be pissed off when he learns Clint was able to roam around his property, while he was confined indoors.”

Scott could also go outdoors!  He just had a much, much smaller yard because of his choice of community.   


Exactly. This isn’t the fault of “the media”. This is Pewdiepie’s fault, plain and simple, because he keeps flirting with the White Supremacists and Neo-Nazi’s that make up the “alt-right”. The fact that he refuses to acknowledge his own culpability shows that he simply doesn’t get it, and that he’ll keep doing the

It’s almost as if making racist comments and making light of Nazis will make you popular with racists...

Good that he said this, but he is more than a month and a half too late.

Jennings never actually made that bet, to the best of my knowledge; he was just responding to a joke about the idea that he did. The bans are real, though; they were apparently added to the contestant briefings over the last year or so.

There’s a pretty wide gulf between “ban religion” and “don’t make policy based on religious tenets.”

As an aside I find it amusing that Black Widow’s kit these days seems to focus on stun bracers and stun batons. 

The last three games in the series have had really great stories, actually. I mean, not like...literary masterpieces or anything, but stories that lean into the fun of the whole “ultra-violent kung fu movie with magical beings and demi gods” angle.

The Krypt was a horrible grind, and it wasn’t even acknowledged in the review!

Marvel casts immortals. Sam Jackson and Paul Rudd are only two that we know of.

Marvel really knocked it out of the park when they cast Paul Rudd. Apart from anything else, they’ll never need to expensively de-age him with CGI for flashbacks since he’s a functional immortal who has looked exactly the same for the past 20 years.

Grilled spam plus some sticky rice and some nori gets you some spam musubi. It’s not always the answer, but it’s a great one when it is.

There is nothing in the goddamned world like the absolute fragility of folks who occupy majority (race/ethnicity/sex/sexual orientation/religious affiliation) status feeling like they might have to share the pie they’ve previously had 99% of.

Think about this for just a moment: Every time someone screams about “SJWs,”

It feels like another pile of fake outrage that feeds upon itself for energy. An instance where completely missing the point begets anger.

This movie really nailed Spider-Man, and the young, just staring out, high school Spider-Man. Peter Parker just wants to do right, and it’s hard work. The “moment” could just as well have been his day-in-the-life scene trying to help out around town, and getting it right maybe only 60% of the time, and his only reward

So your incredible hot take is that jobs are a mental illness?