
Fun (?) Fact: when I lived in Indiana for a time, I heard that the original Native inhabitants were all to happy to cede portions of the state to white settlers, because they believed it to be cursed land.

to save time here’s what I said the last time you posted this

That isn’t a double standard. Exposure of a female nipple on a major broadcast television network for more than two seconds will break the Seventh Seal and unleash hell on Earth. That’s just science. The male nipple, on the other hand, is just a little decorative flourish. It serves no function, and is aesthetically

Two nipples. One is a problem. When there's two, they cancel each other out. It's math.

You know, at first I found your shtick annoying, but now, after being exposed to it several times, I still do.

Good point.  And with all that ink, the nipples really pop, too.

Hey, remember when Janet Jackson had her nipple shown on TV for a second or so and everyone freaked out?

This game is about as exciting as watching flies fuck.

Not really the best teaser, but I get it, it’s themed around the Super Bowl. That said, Peele seems at ease doing the narration and oh man, when that music kicked in...

You are entering the vicinity of an area adjacent to a location. The kind of place where there might be a monster, or some kind of weird mirror. These are just examples; it could also be something much better. Prepare to enter: The Scary Door.

Even more amazing is that they had to realize what using that white door would mean for Twilight Zone fans.


What exactly were you expecting?

Steve still has to tap him on both shoulders.

My hope for Endgame? They really do spend some time acknowledging that randomly killing half of the planet would end up killing way, way more than that in secondary kills. Power plants would fail, supply chains would fall apart, governments would be decimated...

I wanna say for most it’s fantasy, but before the Tumblr purge there were a lot of porn blogs fetishizing ISIS as well.

tell me, if a real life woman stepped up to you and pulled down their pants and showed you a flesh and blood penis, even if she started life as a biological woman and still very much resembled one, was even attractive, would she not be considered transexual? just by vitue of being a cartoon, anime or cgi, doesn’t mean

except shes doing a piss poor job of it. transphobic?! cant search OW porn without finding a futa video. no mei videos?! shes all over the fucking place cuz fans like em “thicc” even though its been explained her winter gear adds a lot to her profile. They whitened the colored characters?! i she watching the same porn

It pleases fangirls, mostly. You’d be shocked at how many women consume futa stuff.