
Especially if they lean into him just wanting to save his home from humanity. Maybe he doesn’t even want to wipe humanity out, he just wants to conquer them since they can’t get their shit together. And a Latveria-Atlantis alliance could set the stage for Doom.

Namor as a big bad in a future Avengers movie is an interesting idea.

What’s wrong with that?

The 2017 Mummy was a bad superhero flick with no connections to the 1932 movie beyond a title.

You could still cast Johnny Depp, except, y’now, make him invisible. Easier on the eyes. And Universal should just take a look back and see the route those movies took; they should just cut to the chase and have a modern Abbott and Costello Meets...

That’s also like saying blockades shouldn’t rightfully work in Star Wars because space isn’t linear and you should just be able to go around any ship. The logistics of Star Wars were always built on suspension of disbelief in lieu of tension for storytelling sake. The only blockade that made logical sense was in Solo

They destroyed two of those ships by following them in a straight line and were confident they would destroy the third... It’s almost like villains being overconfident is a recurring theme in Star Wars. I think someone may have even said, “Your overconfidence is your weakness” at some point.

I’m sure the filmmakers don’t appreciate you suggesting that they’re stealing the premise of NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM when they’re also clearly stealing the premise of the 1992 John Ritter vehicle STAY TUNED.

A lot of it seems to be the post-fact age we find ourselves in. You can’t criticize the last Ghostbusters film or The Last Jedi without being labeled a misogynist. To the point where any legit critique still starts with “I don’t care that Admiral Holdo was a woman...” You can’t defend any Trump action without someone

Tim, I think the guy that has to assign a score to reviews from Metacritic hates you.

Wonderful review, though I’m still unclear on whether I, as a person who only played a few hours of Kingdom Hearts 1, is likely to enjoy Kingdom Hearts 3.

Oddly enough, the game being called a PS2 game is exactly what I wanted to hear. I fell in love with this series when it was that weird, kinda jank game, and I would be really disappointed if it changed after all this time.

This has to be the longest review in Kotaku history, and it’s glorious. 

You aren’t familiar with Toy Story?

A) God, I love me some classic Tim Rogers prose.

I said “arguably.” I think Nintendo has a number of games where if you said X is my favorite game (or favorite in the series), nobody is going to say you’re wrong: Mario 3, World, 64, Galaxy, Odyssey, Zelda LttP, Ocarina, BotW, Metroid Prime, Super Metroid, Wii Music - I’m sure there’s more. 

I mean, isn't 4's Los Ganados "problematic" too? The answer is no, neither is. By having more than just white dudes getting killed, aren't we in an odd sense actually reaching some kind of plane of equality? I don't know. But it at least feels like they're trying. Maybe not succeeding, but trying.

I feel a bit “meh” about the conclusion that RE5 was racist. I mean, it was a bit “Black hawk Down” at times, but I didn’t feel any worse about killing the zombies (or parasite possessed or whatever) monsters in that game than I did in any of the others. I’m black, I’m thirty-eight, I’ve been gaming since I was five,