
“Some” of the proceeds

Earned a spot on SNL? 

Unpopular opinion: I like the stories about Pete, he’s interesting, he already was before all of the blowups, he’s talented as hell when he can keep it together, I look forward to seeing a full standup set by him (esp if he’s opening for Mullaney). He’s also fascinating because he’s got some serious overlap between

anything is an upward move after Trank.

People who take every opportunity to announce that TLJ sucks are hilarious.

ST09 made 586 million against a 150 million (300 with advertizing) budget. 190 (380) with 530 profit. Beyond is the only one that suffered, and that more than broke even with a 400 mil profit against a 360 budget. He may not have made Marvel money for them but he more than upheld his part of the Paramount bargain.

Who hurt you?

I.... really enjoyed The Cloverfield Paradox (!!!).

So his future career is a big shrouded mystery where the answer will ultimately be sort of disappointing?  Weird.

thanks to the disappointing response to Bad Robot-branded projects like Overlord

I'm with you. A lot of the disappointment seems to be focused on this movie not being a traditional super hero movie (didn't we learn that with Unbreakable?) and not a traditional pt3 of a trilogy. Also having Nights name attached will always carry a stigma for people. 

I mean, I... liked it? Am I alone on this one? I think I get it. The climax functionally amounted to ‘two strong guys beat each other into a bus’, but what else was it going to be? They can’t fly. They aren’t so ridiculously super-strong that each punch launches the other person fifty feet. The whole point was that it

Orrrrr yukking about bad movies is generally a comedy schtick that has now existed across multiple mediums for years and that’s generally even more successful when an objectively successful and subjectively even great filmmaker writes up a real weird one, even discounting said filmmaker’s dicey relationship with

I liked it! :D

That Ghostbusters reboot was baaaddddd.

And as we all know, “based on a true story” always means that every single detail, even every line of dialog, is 100% true and accurate with no embellishment or exaggeration for dramatic effect at all. That 90 year old man really did have 2 threesomes. Not only that, but it was important enough to the story to be

Honestly, smuggling drugs in America is a job old white guys could definitely do better than Mexicans, for ... reasons.

Can we just stop letting cable and internet service providers also own all the content as well?

It’s the 3rd No More Heroes game, but it’s not No More Heroes 3

For more explanation *points to Kingdom Hearts III*

I’ll be picking it up only because Suda said if this game does well enough we can get a No More Heroes 3