
I said “arguably.” I think Nintendo has a number of games where if you said X is my favorite game (or favorite in the series), nobody is going to say you’re wrong: Mario 3, World, 64, Galaxy, Odyssey, Zelda LttP, Ocarina, BotW, Metroid Prime, Super Metroid, Wii Music - I’m sure there’s more. 

“...long wait now.”

Saw this in the theater last summer and thought it was great. This movie was undersold from the very beginning so few people knew of it. Here’s how I describe it to others...

She hasn’t seen it, but I know my wife wouldn’t like it.

I love a good Metroid game as much as the next guy, but they’re not exactly system sellers. The GameCube arguably had the best Metroid game and the best Smash game, and it only sold 20 million units. I’d say the opposite is true. Metroid needed the Switch to be the success it is to give it a large enough install base

That is essentially what happened with Doom if I remember.  Id was almost done with the final game, but didn’t like how it was playing, so they scrapped the entire project and started over from scratch.  And what we ended up with most will agree was a damn near masterpiece.

I still maintain Star Fox Zero was a good game and once you got used to the controls, it actually let you play better than 64.  It was just so short that by the time you got used to the controls, there was nothing left to do.

Honestly, you can add that after almost any bad news and it would immediately make me feel better.

I believe even Reggie said, they made a special exception in announcing Metroid Prime 4 early, to quell the die hard Prime fans complaints and reassure them while announcing Samus Returns for 3DS.

A similar tactic Bethesda used when announcing Fallout 76 and Elder Scrolls 6 at the same event.

I’m just as excited for MP4 as you are, but let's be real - the Switch's momentum is definitely not dependent on a Metroid game. You could say that about the next Pokemon game or a new Zelda, but the Metroid franchise is actually a very modest success compared to Nintendo's core IPs. On top of that, it's just not very

So what happened to what Retro’s been working on since Tropical Freeze, so for the last... FIVE YEARS? wow. Either that was canceled too or this is in the really, really early stages and everyone’s still working on that...

Should have ended it with “ - one last thing: Metroid Prime Trilogy HD is now available on the Switch eShop!”

I’ll always say it’s good business practice to scrap something that isn’t up to your standards. Nothing worse than building up hype for a subpar product.

On the one hand, I’m glad this is in Retro’s hands now.

...on the other, the wait is going to be a long one, it seems.

Ah well.  Not as if we’re without a ton of stuff coming out over the next couple of years.

‘Like it or loathe it’?

Yeah, William got cocky with that one.

“And in the end Eddie, you know what? You’re nothing but a misguided midget asshole with dreams of ruling the world … yeah also from Kew Gardens … and also getting by on my tits!”

“Horsepower?” Really?

I should have been nominated for Best Original Screenplay at the very least.

Am I the only one who thought Sorry to Bother You was the single best movie of last year? Feels like it.