
They’re very popular games and owned outright by Nintendo, so I can’t imagine it’ll be much of a wait. My only question about the Mother series is what they plan to do with it. If I were Nintendo, I’d do a full-on three-game collection for Switch with bonus features that lives outside of the subscription service.

I agree, while it can get a little ridiculous how much grind or how hard many of the challenges are, it has a fun “gotta catch ‘em all!” vibe for the trophy hunter gamer. Weird twists that pop up at random that make you hope you’ve gotten the right spirit for the challenge, and get you endless little NES nostalgia

And it was super important that you rush in to the comments and “meh” the best selling game of 2018 one minute after the article was posted.

My one month later Smash experience: Play it nearly every day.

Ive had Smash since Christmas and its literally been the only game Ive been playing.

My two seconds after reading this reply experience: miming jerking off while rolling my eyes.

Don’t forget Sorry to bother you. Hopefully Mandy comes to one of the streaming sites I enjoy Batshit crazy movies.

/draws Venn Diagram

We must warn the children!

She’s not amoral, she just has a weird code she lives by. Externally, she exists to teach kids about geography, (And to a lesser extend, how to navigate an almanac.) but within the fiction, she’s basically a gentleman thief: She does it for the kicks, man! 

IKR! The entire appeal of Carmen Sandiego is that you don’t know where the fuck she is!!

Punch Rockgroin!

V.I.L.E. dates to the 1st Carmen Sandiego game, 30+ years ago. 

I like nothing about this except Gina Rodriguez getting more work.

What does the name Finn Wolfhard sound like more a porn star or one of the names Mike and the bots called the knuckle headed lead in Space Mutinty. I know he is one of the kids in Stranger Things you would think they would have given him a different name. He was probably teased badly by his peers for having that name.

Pictured: Nintendo desperately trying to cram that genie back into the bottle.

If you strike me down, I will become more powerful then you can possibly imagine.

Those 4 star fights seem to be a situation of throw yourself at them until the cpu just has a brain fart.

I got lucky in some of those fights because they KO’d themselves. 

Big fan of World of Light here! I would say, however, that the tougher 4-star fights can be pretty damn challenging. People are breaking on Pauline and Geno and such. Personally, Fox McCloud’s dad is handing me my ass repeatedly.