Do people knowingly write their whole email in the subject line? It is some kind of commentary on our fast paced society?
Do people knowingly write their whole email in the subject line? It is some kind of commentary on our fast paced society?
I don’t have anything to add to this. Other than as the parent of a 6 year old and 3 year old.... ahem..........
The dreaded Subject Only burn. I get hating on Deadspin writers... but by gawd... they have families! Think of the children!
here is a tasteful artist’s rendering of Alex Rodriguez going No. 2
Am I the only one who watched this and though “Oh shit! The mariners forgot to trade Encarnacion!”
Shady on the details here... but I think this has a huge affect on his... girlfriend/wife/whatever the hell she is getting access to his money, no? Wasn’t that, according to his note, part of the reason he committed suicide prior to his appeal going through? Yes, I could google these things... but writing this is…
Someone explain to me how this is racist!!!!
I thought AAF was doing well. That Smooth Criminal cover money run out?!
But does the corn syrup have GMO’S?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Because this is a decent take... I’m going to allow the hashtag.... the take makes up for it. But you’re on thin ice, mister.
Greggggggg in middle school: “YEAH I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND!!!!! You just don’t know her. She goes to another school...”
All these posts are weirding me out.
The only thing you eat with pizza is more pizza.
You might even say he’s a ...MASTER... BAITER.
Plot twist. Tony Durant is really Bryan Colangelo........’s WIFE!
One thing I’m not totally clear on... is there fighting in the bleachers?
Will Harry Asseater ever get his due?!
Wait, 6 and 28, or 34 and 22. Or does that mean 23 and 49.