Short a tension span, then?
Short a tension span, then?
“Now, all at once everyone... SCOWL”
It’s so obvious how staged this is. Even sadder when you realize he staged it to one-up Obama’s.
You were right. I called her. I told her how I am married now but think about her every day. I asked if she felt the same and all she had to say was THE MOBILE SITE FUCKING SUCKS.
You think she looks bad, has anyone taken a gander at Janice in accounting lately?!? I know she don’t give a fuck, but c’mon could at least run a brush through your hair! And stop taking everyone’s yogurt!
This is obviously made up. Nearly every version of that woman (and her male counterpart) that I’ve worked with does not smile. Her spirit is broken, just like her body. Younger employees should look at her and see their futures.
Billy Joel is the autoplay Farmers Insurance ad of rock radio.
No! Sidney Crosby’s dress is white and gold.
Immediate solution: tape a phone with GPS to the puck and use Google Maps to determine where it is. This plan is without flaw.
Now starting at Left Tackle...Pierre Delecto.
why do we not have these kinds of brawls here in the US?
The American Way
That’s so weird, the oriental women are usually great at handling rods - Robert Kraft
It looked like some kind of, I don’t know, fire drill perhaps?
These poor runners had good reason for wanting to stick with it and finish the race; the teams who finished in this final were guaranteed spots at the 2020 Olympics. Alas, they were disqualified anyway.
False equivalencies all over the place in this thread. Neither football or boxing is safe. Arguing that one is safer based on a comparison to the other is pointless.
Boxing’s ultimate goal is in fact to deliver a brain injury to the opponent, euphemistically called a “knockout”. Adding thick, padded boxing gloves…