It’s the same clip on loop so it can’t possibly look more painful each time you watch it.
It’s the same clip on loop so it can’t possibly look more painful each time you watch it.
Proper etiquette would have been for her to yell, “TWO!”
Ha! Now everyone knows she has to go to the bathroom sometimes!
You think he is distracted now, wait till he sees the guy that followed her out.
You mean how lucky WE’VE been. The thought of him dealing with a true catastrophic event of scale is terrifying.
Turkey Fucks Chicken
Especially because that’s part of the reason he became president. “Impeachment? I became president to get away with MORE shit, not less!”
Can we contact your previous employer, The American People?
You keep saying the call was perfect STOP
He hasn’t done nothing. He reshaped the federal judiciary in ways that will last decades after his own death. He also broke apart about 700 scientific advisory committees, and he reassigned top scientists in several agencies to clerical and accounting jobs (so many of them quit). The BLM is relocating 1,500 miles…
To top it all off, it will negatively impact his children when one of them inevitably try to run for president (you know Junior will try).
His legacy will be an orange tint on all the towels at the WH. That’s it. And of course a financial, environmental and diplomatic mess.
“This former President was impeached because...”
It’s not that surprising. If I recall correctly, Trump whined back during the halcyon days of the Mueller Report that impeachment would tarnish his “legacy.” He’s obsessed with being remembered for “something,” but is too stupid and senile to actually come up with something with a lasting impact. I think he believes…
Dear Mr. Johnson STOP
We shouldn’t be surprised that a man who has never faced any consequences for his crimes is confused that he may actually face some consequences for his crimes.
I hope he’s OK. Not the least because if he is, he’s now the mayor of Buffalo pursuant to their municipal code.
“What was he thinking?”
Would have never guessed he would come up short. Wide right maybe, but not short.