
Kind of - Seth is Zach’s “twin”

There should be some sort of a limit on the number of NBA players who can simultaneously co-opt Superman as their alter ego/muse/inspiration.

You have no fucking idea what you would do.

Yeah, I love how he repeatedly claims there’s an “industry” (?!?) for women to steal the money of powerful men. In addition to being a shitty rape apologist, I don’t think he knows the definition of basic words like “industry.”

Its amazing how men always know exactly how they would react and exactly what they would do if they were ever forcibly raped by a man (let alone a very famous man) when its something they have no reason to ever worry about.

It was in there! They took it out but I promise you I did the double-pump.

That’s the video player, but I will anyway

O Brother, WAR Art Thou?

After years and years of the wonderful, blessed “Get a brain, morans” meme, we actually have a Brian Moran?!??

Buffalo buffalo buffal Buffalo buffalo buttholes. 

Medvedev is in a foul mood, throws a tantrum at the towel guy

If I ask nicely, will you judge my genitals?

In Trump’s mind Tom Brady and Robert Kraft must have dual citizenship. Also this is nothing new; 

there hasn’t been this much fuss about a second Schutt Air since the JFK assassination

Jesus, let him play in whatever helmet he wants. It's clearly too late to prevent a serious brain injury. 

Or maybe the wealthy professional football team he plays for could figure out a way to get its hands on one for him.

And LOOK at them flying that foreign flag, and refusing to assimilate. Disgraceful, disgraceful.

When it goes up the wealthy profit, when it goes down the rest of us have to pay.

I’m sure the idiot in chief totally saw that coming, as he has already predicted China’s next 15 moves in his 4D chess game.