
Whatabout, whatabout, whatabout.

Yeah, but we can elect Joe Biden and he’ll be able to work with these people because [soul explodes as I crumple into a bloody heap]

That’s a web gem.

counterpoint: fuck the cubs

According to baseball’s unwritten rules, Bauer now has to throw at himself in his next appearance

How many kids get to say that happened at their party?

glad this webstie still supprots the 2nd amendemnt

Twas a bad day to be orange. 

It shows how lonely the sahp/wahp life is...I read “You have to trap them in a room full of people and serve lots of cheap wine.” and my first thought was “I’d buy anything to be in a room full of people with cheap wine right now.”

And that is why these are such horribly businesses. They get the vulnerable and they

When I was in junior high and high school, I had terrible grades. It was a combination of bullying, laziness on my part, and asshole teachers. My parents were so fed up with me because they tried EVERYTHING to get my grades up. My dad kept telling me how I’d grow up to be a loser, and the girl at the top of my class

It’s so embarrassing that this is an actual still and not shooped in any way

The answer in the cars/bikes/pedestrians argument of “who’s the d-bag?” is: everyone. Every single one of those groups, in general, assumes they’re entitled to about 10% more of the road/path than they really are, and they all fuck up in different ways:

Not a ton of 26-year-old bros in Andersonville, your geography is a bit off.

“Ha, ha, I was just innocently flashing the ‘okay’ sign behind a man who happens to be African-American, and if you disagree you must be getting your information from the same Zionist-Occupied Media that tricked Christ-fearing white Americans into passing the Civil Rights Act!”

Getting banned indefinitely to own the libs

“no see it’s not really racist it’s just supposed to make you think it’s racist so you’ll get owned, liberal!”

You went to K State. A lot more than 5 minutes has been stolen from you.

I want my 5 minutes back.

Another rule: all teams that play in the Badlands are called the Browns. Hockey, base ball, whatever. They are the Browns. Browns vs. Browns. Fans are forced to wear brown at the stadium.