
*Zach, unless this is some plus-size comedic actor mashup dig I’m not privy to.

Plus Near Field Communication!

Fairly certain this is false. Peal Jam is someone’s aunt’s CBD jelly of the 90's. 10cc is correct though.

It’s not.

It’s not.

Fuck, you’re so cool.

King of Limbs

calling it a “We and not a me thing.”

They’re all sad days, Brent.


Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory

kerb? kerb!?

More stars

Two guys, just really, beautiful tackle. Boom, 15 yards! The referee gets on television, his wife is sitting at home, she’s so proud of him. They’re ruining the game! They’re ruining the game. That’s what they want to do. They want to hit. They want to hit! It is hurting the game.

Your 2017-18 Chicago Bulls, everybody!

I’m the Donators. I one cares...

Also, Minaya could have been out of the inning the pitch before had he thrown to third to double off Dozier. #blightsox, everybody

You can sell streets?

plus trophy wives

Did you look like that two years ago, though?

It’s not even close enough to make an argument against. Probably the 234th weirdest thing I’ve heard on Deadcast.