
If only there were places for people to have fun driving their cars really fast that didn’t seriously endanger unwitting civilians on public roads. IF ONLY.

You guys are awesome. It is not hyperbole to say that this site often gets me through the day. Keep up the good work, and for the love of god do not stick to sports.

Video for “Just” by Radiohead. Old video from the mid-90's. It’s excellent.

As a lover of over the top pranks and non-sequiturs, I approve of this comment.

Immediate solution: tape a phone with GPS to the puck and use Google Maps to determine where it is. This plan is without flaw.

Sometimes when you try to cover something up you have to look incompetent to avoid looking guilty.

Now starting at Left Tackle...Pierre Delecto.

So let’s talk about how time is a flat circle:

Everyone has their kinks and I’m sure there’s someone getting off on Trubisky overthrowing people.

And now Putin is doing the same!

Pitching duels in the post-season are exciting. Pitching duels in the regular season are broadly considered boring.

Hell, I’d subscribe, even...

Thanks for a great article David. I don’t read about or even care about baseball since they stole my Expos, don’t watch, don’t know anything really, but this was a great exposition, if you’ll allow me the expression, of the commodification of a sport, of the inevitable result of skyrocketing revenue and property

I absolutely cannot wait for some random game in February when he has a ridiculous put-back dunk or he drives and posterizes someone and we all get to gush about it. I hope he plays until he’s 50.

The only thing in this article that I completely believe:

Since this is obviously a made up story, in order to make it easier for everyone else to separate fact from fiction here, I’ve taken the liberty of going through the entire article and highlighting the things that are obviously make believe so readers coming after me can focus on the aspects of the article that may be


Australia is a hoax.

(omg, I can’t believe that I possessed my plurals.  everyone will think I am an ignoramus!  mortified.)