Jess the Ripper

Awesome. Dismiss women’s voices as a means to lift women’s voices. Can’t fail.

For the record, unless your response includes at least one link to a source you will be dismissed.

What? I want you to cite her running and speaking on such, currently.

Well, in all that shade you didn’t cite anything that shows otherwise.

citation? not trying to be snide, just genuinely curious. important issue for me.

There’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help each other!

When she starts admitting that her devoted history to Patriarchal and men-first dogmas trumps her ability to claim benefit for women-all-over we can talk.

But men have so much power. Because, I can only believe, is because they have magic penises.

The larger audience at Jez makes this immensely clear. Being criticized for being a woman lands you in hell, but making dick jokes gives you a place in Hillary’s heaven... you know, the heaven she set up without brown people or rape survivors.

Under a Clinton Presidency we’d have no additional mental health funding and someone who you seem to show so much feigned concern for would be at great risk for being killed by police for the crime of having mental illness.

I try to practice at home. Lol... I just realized how crazy this is.

This isn’t paid. It is mutually-beneficial. Since both women (Perry and Clinton) stand to gain as already-wealthy women.

Fifteen years ago I went out with some people I worked with at a summer camp. We went to what was, I think, a little gaming space (old games... like darts and billiards and skee-ball, etc.) and at one point I ended up in the bathroom at the same time as another of the “guys”.

That is just not accurate in regards to the U.S. refugee program.

The Irish! The damn Irish!

But I talked to Jane Elliott a few weeks ago and Jane said, ‘Michael, a uterus doesn’t qualify you to be president of the United States. You have to be, you have to have policy that’s reflective of social justice.’ Paying women a fair wage is social justice. Making sure that minorities have jobs is social justice.”

That is scary, because if that happened now the kid would have probably ended someone on the registry.

Well, considering we always kick down the stall door and proceed to use our penises (which we all totally see as a masculine sexual organs) to spray urine all over everything and everyone inside, I get this guy’s point. I don’t want a non-consensual golden shower! And those pesky transwomen just can’t help acting like

“It would be a real black mark on the United States’ reputation were we to stop this process, though I hope we won’t get to that point.”

Now playing

I just wanted to share why I support Sanders over Clinton by a huge margin.