Jess the Ripper

I completely disagree. I think Obama’s effectiveness in getting around roadblocks married to the SC’s mandate to put judicial experience over partisanship will lead to a lose-lose for the GOP. And this is such a gift for a last-year, lame-duck sitting president. He can use everything in his power to make it happen

I sincerely doubt that Obama will let them do anything terrifying. While his two terms have been greatly reduced in effectiveness by obstructionism, he’s pretty good at making the GOP offers they can’t refuse but remain in the progressive benefit.

Ironically enough, pee-fetishists in my experience are some of the most consent-driven folks in extreme fetishes.

Backing out of the process

Wow... this is just so millennial. How about caring less about personal brand and more about if people can feed themselves?

Christ Jia this is so fucking racist. Fuck this so hard.

When you die I hope your directive will be to ensure that everyone jerks off on your grave.

How can we know unless we also know?

We watched his new special last night and were consequently in stitches while also thinking a bit about it all night long. The end? He nails it. We were laughing uncontrollably while the credits rolled :p

You know what is a Christian sin according to Jesus?

Because she’s out of touch and lives in a world, no matter how much they want to help, where their privilege is both fleeting and always-in-grasp.

I think my favorite moment was from the 2012 campaign when Romney tried to come at Obama about the lack of ships in our Navy in comparison to 1916 and Obama went “we also have less horses and bayonets” He’s clever as hell honestly.

I’m not a part of your party, and the fact that a Democratic Socialist is running on the Dem ticket is the only reason why I’m involved. I have no loyalty to a broken two-party system and I have no interest in supporting policies I find abhorrent and morally inconsistent.

See? Even when we disagree we can still both know that a GOP president is a bad thing.

I’m no expert, and I’ve dismissed comments that want to see me that way. I think you’re absolutely right about a lot of how we speak of things. This is important.

Thanks. I agree. And part of this is the abuse I get for saying that I cannot, morally nor ethically, cast a vote for another Clinton.

Buress is the best arm-candy on comedy TV ever.

And all of them are unconstitutional.

All in the name of “Feminism” which has been more concerned with giving crazy pay to already wealthy women than about doing shit like raising minimum wage and providing childcare for single moms.

I loved it!