Absolutely. Very different.
Because being a “Feminist” is really status-quo now. Mostly because it has been co-opted by people who think Feminism is equal-opportunity for equally-shitty treatment.
I can’t listen to anything with sound at the moment, but assuming that clip is the clip that I think it is... There’s some crucial historic context missing - namely, that the entire media was in a panic about these mythical “superpredators”, and politicians were desperate to do something about it. We know now that it…
Everything that, in a global context, is very moderate-right. European countries have conservative parties who would never think of dismantling social safety nets. That’s the disconnect. We’re a crazy conservative country in the larger scheme of things.
The same kind of method has been used to kick out “immoral” women from schools forever. The issue is that schools aren’t at all able to be courts of law while they take tuition money. We need to revise Title XI so that schools can’t internally deal with shit. Both so they can’t kill rape accusations but also so they…
This is why universities having their own justice system is a problem. I’ll just say that the activism needs to focus on the justice system instead of entities which will just make the whole thing worse by fueling MRA ideas about accusations.
You say you care a great deal about people, but when it comes down to it, you’re pretty much saying you’d let thousands of people die rather than get your hands a bit dirty. I don’t understand how you can reconcile the two.
When Feminism gets co-opted by the right, I think we should rethink the core of our legit outrage.
You realize that if Clinton is elected she plans to continue all the wars? She’s a fucking warhawk.
Has anyone combed through this guy’s history? I’m sorry, but when men decide to do shit like this it is usually because they have a sordid past or they think it will get them more power and attention.
Most “Anarchists” who aren’t 14-years-old understand politics and understand that what we desire isn’t even going to happen in our lifetimes. It is often under the banner of “Philosophical Anarchism” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philosoph… Or what we colloquially used to call it a few decades ago, “Evolutionary…
When did I say anything about her policies?
A lot of this comes from the parallels to the AA experience that people from Muslim countries seem to be expressing currently.
No. I’m doing what I would have done before: not voting for someone I find reprehensible.
Everything you say here is just reason why she should, if she cares about something other than her own power, bow out.
Are you seriously excusing her moderate, center-right positions to be about gender and makeup?
That said, in Europe being “Black” isn’t nearly as existentialist in identity as it is in the US. Funny enough, in many European countries, currently, people of African and Caucasian ancestry are united against Muslims and Arabs.
Calling her a conservative is ridiculous, and if you’re willing to let one of the Republican nominees become president because you don’t want to support Clinton than you clearly don’t understand everything that’s at stake. Please educate yourself more before voting.
I appreciate and don’t want to get in the way of anything. But I won’t vote for another neocon warmongering moderate. If Clinton wants the support of all of Sanders’ backers she needs to stop responding to everything by moving right.