Jess the Ripper

I mean, did you see the guy on Halloween? He was eating candy the whole time.

I really don’t understand. To me that just sounds like cynical politics.

I am VERY concerned for the future of the Democratic Party if things continue on this way.

People like me want the Bernie supporters to vote for HIllary when she likely wins the nomination. Thinking of that support as a all dudes isn’t helpful.

I think Hillary absolutely is better for minorities because she’s charted realistic policy goals and can make a credible case for achieving them—leading to actual improvements in people’s lives, rather than empty promises.

“Oil Rainbows” is the best username :) heh

I spent four years in a Liberal bubble in “Capitoland”. Go up or down the Northway and life changes quick. Spent a few months in Glens Falls and Balston Spa.

This is a great rundown of human reasons why these people believe the things they do. Bravo. Best post I’ve seen in a long while.

To be fair I think we should *all* be getting breaks on sending our kids to college because holy shit is college expensive unless you’re a mundane kid with one of those community service scholarships to a low-to-mid-tier university.

No, they absolutely support lowered costs for middle-class white kids.

Because middle-class parents are used to some tax breaks for sending their kid to college.

Uhhh... a debt ceiling deal would make it impossible to get funding for anything other than the military. It is a 100% Grover Norquist stop on anything that benefits the working and middle classes.


Are you kidding? That is a far, far right ideal.

I know! New England shade is a funny thing. I hesitate to even call it “shade” since it is just so normal day-to-day.

Fuck Bill Clinton so hard. Fuck him. “Welfare Reform” pppsssshaw. The only reason people are asking for drug tests of Welfare recipients is because Bill Clinton made that fucking normal. Fuck Bill Clinton.

I, honestly, feel like white women are starting to focus on people who aren’t white women... finally. This just feels like the usual reactionary second wave nonsense from people who can’t escape seeing the world in selfish zero-sums and self-interested activism.

It actually has more bite to it than we think. Though it sounds silly.

I recognize that you and I have the same sort of ideals so I’m kind of just talking at you and I am sorry for that, but I needed to get it out.

I mean... that’s basically Republican policy in a workaround: Keep the “others” down and give back to your buddies via lowered taxes and loopholes and crazily compounding salaries. If this individual is white and upper-ish middle-class then yes... Republicans will indeed help that family while making sure the people