Jess the Ripper

No, no... you misunderstand... her kids are white.

It is absolutely based in reality. They want privilege for their kids and hell on anyone who is “different”. This is just the usual, “we’re not lower class like those ____”.

Kathleen, a Hillary Clinton supporter:

I feel like some kind of long-term community-service as a punishment would actually work well. A guy who posts naked pictures or videos of someone else? Let them work every weekend as the janitor at a rape crisis center under a gag order. Let him clean up the tissues that miss the basket, or wipe tears away from

Oh, absolutely. I think my imprecise language is just that: imprecise.


Oh, totally! I get that so much.

Well, it isn’t the system of the 1950s and our parents’ parents (at this point).

Language like this makes me bristle a bit because it sounds uncomfortably close to arguments I’ve heard from very conservative, Evangelical Christian types

And this is basically the “American Dream”. I don’t mean at all to suggest women should just stay home (fuck that! We’d lose too many brilliant scientists and professionals) But that corporations have taught us we need two incomes and that if we aren’t decalred to them we’ll struggle. I dislike that, on the part of

hehe... I’d let an A-lister think my butt is awesome anyday. That’s basically reason why any other random dude could get shut down :P

Absolutely! The 1950's idea of the “Man Household” is not the end goal. With equity in family time and work to ensure women are paid like men I think we can create more equality than when every adult needs to work work work work forever.

Eek, I’m sorry!

“I think with better family policies and with better mobility stuff like that is less important.” Could you expand on that because maybe your point that we’re missing is in there?

Hehe... I can get behind that! :p


Eeek. The emotional unavailability would be a huge turnoff, personally. I’ll happily do (reasonable) whatever and enjoy it... but if you’re gonna cast me off like a whore at the end I lose all my enthusiasm :(

Okay. If Rand Paul were some guy I was introduced to who kept looking at me while trying not to I’d probably be into it. But I can’t get past that he’d be the kind of dude who would likely treat me rough in bed and then run away. Or he’d be infuriatingly passive and then cry about his ED.

Is that eyerolly about the crazy of being a parent, or about single-income? :/ I get that single-income is historically a means to make women a second class. I think with better family policies and with better mobility stuff like that is less important.

Uhg, you have me so distracted.