Jess the Ripper

Were you even alive in 2001?

What you’re really upset at is the fact that talent means nothing.

I’m amazed that companies both want sex appeal and don’t want sex appeal in the same damn moment.

She was never on the masthead. She was a contracted reporter with minimal ties to RS at all.

Based on Trump v. Clinton projections I’m pretty sure we’ll see President Trump.

Makes sense. Though I think this is more about “power” and less about the intricacies of identity. Powerful people act in immoral and unethical ways with abandon... because there exists nothing but “business”.

What, she did the same thing as the infamously corrupt, incompetent, and idiotic Bush administration?

This is the problem. This is all a response to this. The answer here isn’t to say, “The system is unfair because of staggered approaches to rich people” but to say “We want the rich and powerful held to the same standard of law.”

The Italian Justice System is a farce.

Not at all. The calls for “Prison” are rhetorical calls for action.

Which just shows how much of a different system someone like Clinton lives in compared to, say, a lower-class black guy who gets picked up for loitering on the sidewalk in front of his own home.

It is absolute hyperbole, but the real concept is that if Clinton is faced with an indictment she’d be a fool to continue into the general (and I do think she’d choose to do so).

Just like “releasing her transcripts” doesn’t matter because it isn’t nearly about the content... it is about the scandal, public perception and smart strategy. Oh, and the fact that Clinton took money from Goldman and the other Democratic option did not. That’s it.

He’s cute. If he had a silver tongue I’d likely sleep with him.

this stupid bullshit

Specifically, Rapp supported the repeal of laws against child pornography. As in, footage of real children being abused, not underage drawings or video games.

No, it is mostly because these are well-off women who want more. They want more without having to work for it or do anything for such. They want to get clicks and monies because they’re women. That’s where it comes down to.

“The severity of comments enforces the point” is an argument I wish we didn’t follow. By that logic the KKK is right.

This bullshit is the core. You’re involved.

Stop giving these people platforms.