Jess the Ripper

Likely because putting their venture in terms of “equality” and “social justice” allows them to get people like that for minimal fees for a startup (not actually, but newly branded) site. They’re believing a mix of famous people asking for less because it is justice-oriented and those same people making up their cost

When the motivation is “we need to make money off this demographic” the end result is always the same: hollow, empty desire to sell ad space.

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You’re supposed to get a little dance-y:

This is why I feel that one of the most important aspects of this all is finding a way back to the single-earner family. The demand that both parents work full-time to be able to live comfortably and provide is what kills family more than anything.

That’s basically where I am. If Hilary Clinton were a member of the Jez community she’d be tarred and feathered for what she has actually done and said (and she has been, a few times). It just reminds me over and over again that intrinsic identities don’t have anything to do with morality and ethics.

I’m pretty sure “JST” is measured in cooking times.

Don’t forget infantilizing! That’s the most icky part.

OMG I worked in a video store as a teenager... and that film...

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This is a really icky mix of infantilization, sexualization and objectification. Pretty much “paternalism 101".

This is one of the reasons why universities having their own, often very flawed on every side, justice systems isn’t in anyone’s favor but the university’s benefit. Schools “conduct investigations” about misconduct, much of which is illegal, completely outside any of the checks and balances our actual legal system