
Thank you. I am sooo tired of the way Netflix is manipulating all of us into working for their marketing team without pay. And this is the grossest campaign yet.

He wha... sheesh, I remember when he was being hyped as a feminist and someone women could get into watching and his scenes include gagging his costar to the point she tears up? My husband watches straight porn occasionally and he sticks to older stuff because he’s scared off by all the gagging in the previews for

It can be extremely frustrating to both enjoy violent sex and want that violent sex to ultimately be loving and not hateful, because while I expect you will get many defensive guys telling you how they arent really misogynists, frankly youre not wrong that theres a lot of misogynistic hateful behavior in porn that’s

That what you’re really saying is that it happens in the 99% of porn YOU watch or have seen, given that you dislike porn so much I’m assuming a lot of it is incidental viewing.

Does anyone else find it strange that EVERY porn ends with a guy blasting a load into the womans face? How is that pleasurable for anyone except to allow the man to exert dominance over the woman through humiliation?

It ain’t called the “money shot” for nothing.

Stagliano is a pretty hard-core libertarian. His view on Kavanaugh, while disappointing, is not surprising.

I never watch his scenes. Maybe some people are into it, but I cant stand the throat gagging with running eye makeup. I don't see either partner finding that pleasurable. 

It’s worse than this article lets on.
Deen was a known abuser for years, with multiple accusers out in the open, and the mainstream press refused to talk about it.
Also, this piece of shit has never seen a James Dean movie.

Or “Killary.” I actually have a difficult time being angry at the ‘Killary’ people who really buy into the legend—it’s not bewildering like being a flat Earth believer, or a buying into the whole ‘lizard people’ conspiracy theory... but it’s so wacky.

I’d bet my 401k he refers to Hillary as “Evil”.

“Just as Kavanaugh did some stuff when he was drunk at age 15, allegedly, you’re going to hold that against him now? That’s just fundamentally wrong.”

Why would I ever want to see an actual rapist in porn?

...very asking of permission from all girls all the time.”  mmkay so consent

Yes! I’m not the slightest bit interested. I saw that nut job in the 1980's and he us not interesting. His con man attitude is not “charming” and his unibrow us not “attractive.” I will not be watching. If they ever do something completely about the victims and their families, I would be interesred.

uh... agreed? I hope you did not infer that I was defending my right to lust after Ted Bundy — I am saying that Netflix cynically set out to trigger a ‘do ladies think Ted Bundy sexy’ conversation that would trend (and it worked). Their ‘please don’t tweet about Ted Bundy’s hotness’ campaign was an attempt to trigger

Absofuckinglutely. Our fetishization of serial killers is just as disturbing as the fetishization serial killers have of their victims. Whenever I see people wearing shirts with Manson’s face on them (which, now that I’m not in high school anymore, isn’t as frequent), I wanna ask if they’d wear a shirt with Hitler on