
Ewww, and the answer is never.

No, she is a white woman profiting a grotesque amount of money off the work of black folxs. 

A very good friend works at a strip club told me of how him and his friends came in one night. Apparently he smelled badly and acted like a teenage boy hopped up on monster energy drinks. Obnoxious, boisterous and immature. She said it with a pained expression, all the ladies were happy to see him go.

I work at a very gorgeous Sonoma Country winery and the amount of people who ask for a glass of wine to pose with, take 29834 photos in floral rompers and leave without ever tasting or buying a drop of wine would shock you. It’s really depressing watching these people not enjoy their IRL moments. Doin it for the gram’.

That is a blatantly false and hysterical view of sex work.

Whew chile the SWERF jumped out! 

You think those 8 years of Obama were magic? Surely not the hell we’re in but this idea racism and hellish behaviour suddendly rose up on Nov 9th 2016 is a fun myth. Just like voting and love will erdicate centuries of injustice and hate and corruption. America is working as she always has.

One of them also said they’d beat the hell out of their kid if he ended up gay so nah, I’ll pass on watching this.

A banger? Not even close. This is easily the worst song she's ever done. There is zero enthusiasm. Makes me think she pissed off her ghost writer and they got their revenge with this mess. It sounds like a less polished Migos song 🤦‍♀️ LORDT

My 20 month old just self weaned, he bit me and I screamed and he was done. Just like that. I’m happy but also sad, if I knew our last nursing session was happening I would have cherished more. Real mixed bag when they wean! 

I swear by they changed my life. Super loving company based out of the Bay Area. Always down to help and answer questions. I use their Delicate Facial Cleanser and Rosewater toner, helped me with my rosacea, it’s nearly gone. I’m not affliated just suggest them whenever I can. Also they do sample

Oh hell yeah, she's a "pick me" type. 

Yes and less we forget Cardi and her sister calling black women roaches and Cardi using a woman’s deceased child against her in a Twitter feud so her whole "don't talk about my child" spin is extra cute. Team none of these monsters.

Me thinks no woman will ever make baby Colton happy. 

South Lake Tahoe has a fatburger, I think on the CA side. It was delicious. 

My dog for fleas and it was hell, like I suffer from PTSD it was so bad. The breaking point was finding a flea in my panties, MY PANTIES. *Shudders and internally screams*

yeah no. mental illness doesn’t cause racism. Wow y'all love showing sympathy to these deplorables. 


iworked in the industry briefly and nearly signed with LA Direct. Luckily my best friend is a lawyer so I asked her to look over the contract for me and she promptly shred it up. I remained a free agent, made the money I needed and got out without any trauma. Hope these fuckers get shut down.  

That update from the Netflix rep absolutely tickled me.