
"Bullshit on Parade" is fantastic, though not as good as the tags "Sleep Now in the Fries" and "Grillin' in the Flame" . . .

No, that was Sarah Michelle Gellar.

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say you don't like like Marmite.

She is right about the Watchers paying her. Kind of ridiculous that there's this whole secret society and they can't pay their Chosen One a living wage. Even Jedi Knights got room and board (and spaceships).


How dare you?! Blaspemy!

I miss pre Serious Actor, Action Hero Will Smith.

Some thoughts on the the Emma Watson/4Chan story.

OMG sometimes i can't. Even talking about gender equality enrages people?! Not trying to take over, EQUALITY?! im done

This is what happens when you praise every little thing your sons do.

If only they knew he made 32k since June. JUNE!

"Oh. That is worse."

Gross explanation by medical student:

Werewolf cats?! What's next, tiger dogs?

Hugh Jackman's cat!

I think they look really interesting - and as long as breeding the cats for this specific mutation isn't introducing health problems for the animals, where's the harm in Werewolf Kitties?


Wolves: "The humans have gone too far this time..."