I’m talking like, Delia’s era...
I’m talking like, Delia’s era...
Pornmergency is the name of my Peaches cover band.
Where is the “length that means I don’t have to cough up a hairball after” option?
The worst sex I've ever had was after he shaved and there was stubble. My poor chafed clit.
So I know everyone can do whatever they desire, but I really don’t enjoy when the mens shave it all off. It alarms the fuck out of me.
There are only two things I want in life: A talking pet who dresses real cool and gives me important life advice,…
I did the same thing at 16. I don’t judge myself for letting my irrational teen brain be convinced that I was just more mature than most teens and that’s why an older man was interested in me. I do judge the older man for not reining me in and rejecting my advances because there has to be something wrong with a 23…
Oh god, yes. Why I thought dating a 23 year old dude was cool when I was 17, I do not know now. Now, it’s just creepy.
That’s cute. I thought I knew everything at the wee age of 17 too. Also thought that dating older guys was ~cool~
Wait, kids get damaged if they’re in a place where people previously had sex? Be right back, gotta chase the kids of the couch, and the bed, and the bath, aw damn, gotta buy a whole new house. But then someone else probably had sex there too. Is there nowhere that's safe for the children?
Nope, I'm pretty sure he is clueless. As are you. Because to ask BECK of all people to "respect artistry" means you have no fucking idea who Beck is or what he's about.
Sounds like the restaurants closure was ... *puts on sunglasses*
Bye bye bye.
I am an Old, and Southern, and a mother: basically a demographic that would be expected to be offended by the website. Instead, I am grateful for any depiction of a woman's body in which the body is depicted as belonging to HER, not to someone else - do you know what I mean? The normalization of what actual women ac…
It's good if you want to look at pretty people in pretty clothes and a pretty castle who can mostly sort of act.
How dare you imply that Jeremy Renner would ever move to Phoenix.
"This is the plot of The Ice Storm 2: Hollywood Nights."