Well, the Gov’s voting record is pretty progressive from what I’ve seen. It’s a smorgasbord of terrible choices but one’s at least a devil we know. Although personally I’d prefer 5. Get someone else.
Well, the Gov’s voting record is pretty progressive from what I’ve seen. It’s a smorgasbord of terrible choices but one’s at least a devil we know. Although personally I’d prefer 5. Get someone else.
There is an unfortunate history of Right wing players using false rape accusations against Democratic public figures. I probably lean towards the “believe them” camp but I don’t think it’s unreasonable to want more of an investigation. It’s awfully suspicious three Democrats got in trouble in one state.
But also it’s kind of funny.
Because kanji looks cool.
I’m sure the marketing team was grilled over how this happened.
See, this is where you roll with it.
It probably would have helped if they tagged their involvement AS advertisement though.
I believe the quote was “we’re not a problem oriented company we’re a solutions oriented company”.
Shooty bang bang. Got it. Hope the story is at least interesting.
Honestly it’s pretty low on the list.
Also check out his YouTube channel. He’s genuinely pretty good.
I would disagree. There is an inordinately high number of native children in foster care who often face abuse, sexual or otherwise, death within the system, high incarceration rates, police brutality, high levels of poverty on reserves etc. etc. all the wonderful things we’ve come to expect from institutionalised…
I heard the school sent them there to counter-protest a women’s rights march?
ehhhh, I know a few native people who would disagree with that statement.
I’ve noticed a “interesting” evolution in the racistsphere over the past couple of weeks. The rape apologist argument of “well lots of women lie about rape” has now evolved into it’s racism onii-chan “well lots of minorities lie about racism”. Saw it in the UPS racism story and I’ve seen when racists comment on what…
I will absolutely give a big thumbs up to AOC. Maybe she has a bit of a cult of personality but at least she’s using it for good.
Goldeneye was one of the worse FPS games ever made. FIGHT ME INTERNET!
Don’t worry, he’s already in his safe space.
I really hate that pun.
And they’ve got Bioware right there.