
FFS it’s Star Wars and they’re EA. Don’t tell me they don’t have the ability to do a third Star Wars shooter and still work on an open world Star Wars game at the same time. I think we can pretty much translate this into “we can’t monetize a single player game as much as a multiplayer game.”

So... autobot or decepticon?

Huh. Who knew The Trash Fire Show would have so much trouble getting advertisers.

Who eats a cookie with a fork?


I couldn’t even comprehend having to make that call as my job. 

I love how people say “it’s not gambling since nothing has monetary value in the game” like it means something. If you use the same mechanics as gambling and tactics to get people to get people into addictive habits then it doesn’t matter if it’s “gambling” or not. It’s pretty unethical in my opinion.

Yup, any point he may have goes out the window when it effects real people.

Whenever I play everyone is all over the place. When we do meet we both act surprised, stay out of each others way and don’t talk to each other. For a multiplayer game it’s a very lonely experience. Although I guess at least I don’t have to deal with these chucklefucks.

One day out of the year. I can at least get a month out of that bag.

No... no that’s still bad. You can still use a bag.

I won’t defend it. But I am having fun with it. But yeah it has major problems.

Look, I’m enjoying it a whole lot but it is a No Mans Sky game. A whole lot of problems and something most people probably won’t enjoy but some people will get a lot of enjoyment out of. I like the world, I like the exploring, the environmental story telling... is spotty but when it’s good it’s good and the camp

Except a lot of these games are rated Teen and a lot of them you can get cards for them at convenience stores so...

If they can’t make a profit out of 7 million copies sold at $80 then they deserve to fail. Budget your titles appropriately and it shouldn’t be a problem.

If it releases the same chemicals in the brains of children as gambling maybe we should.

Also the fact that kids play these games. Overwatch, Teen. Fortnite, Teen. Star Wars Battlefront 2, Teen. A recent report in England specifically called out video games for encouraging gambling in young kids and teenagers.

That doesn’t give them a continuous flow of cash though. 

YES! It only marginally works in games like Overwatch where it’s purely cosmetic. Not that I like it there either but at least it doesn’t effect the general flow of the game.

Because it doesn’t only effect adults. And if an industry refuses to regulate itself this is the result.