
I watched MoS and Watchmen and the best thing I can say about them is that they were competent. For the most part. Plots were fairly easy to follow, motivations were understandable and at least for Watchmen I could follow the action. Found it a bit hard to follow the action in MoS. 

They’ll love it on Alberta. BC will be mixed. 

I don’t think that’s the problem. The problem is that they’re so afraid to do a prequel they’re sticking slavishly to the originals. That’s not a director or a writer problem, that’s a producer problem. 

Yeah parts were falling off and I don’t think it even cracked nuts either. She had a bit of an inflated estimation of how much her “collection” was worth. A lot of it ended up being trashed when we cleaned up after her death.

Even more Pokémon. Although I might buy Edith Finch for the Switch. I quit liked that game. 

My grandmother (RIP) had a house and a cottage filled with her “collections” a lot of which went into the bin when she passed away five-ish years ago.  She tended to pick things out of her collection of stuff to give as gifts. One Christmas was especially bad when everybody got something that was obviously picked

Yup, once Trump starts talking in debates it’s gonna be a lot harder to hide just how much his mental state has deteriorated. His cult is only 25-30%. I don’t underestimate the Democrats unerring ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory but it’s not gonna be an easy ride for Trump  


Ah the rich, where you’re suspected of rape and you think a tongue lashing is too much. 

Because we have such a long history with Republicans keeping their word. 

Oh so you brought some horror to class? Well you better have brought enough for everyone then!

Eh. I’ll go see it. I’ll laugh a couple of times. Probably like it.

Absolutely there’s tones of games for kids and the family to play together. Plus it’s fairly cheap. Although I’d recommend making sure your kids know to play it with care if they’re playing it in Handheld mode.

Absolutely there’s tones of games for kids and the family to play together. Plus it’s fairly cheap. Although I’d

Probably more Pokémon. Also I’ve been playing the new Steven Universe game. Not bad. 

He’s doing it to specifically be an asshole. Also let’s be clear, it’s not just water vapour. If you started vaping at my table I’d politely ask you to stop. 

It’ll effect his numbers but there’s always going to be the Trump cult that will stick by him no matter what. 

Im getting closer and closer to agreeing with you. Which kind of scares me. 

That’s an entirely different type of fun. 

I think Mitch McConnell might be my most hated person. 

Oh hey Penny Arcade actually making a good point for once.