jesse_astle One’s Egyptian and the otheres Indian.

Ok I don’t play the game and don’t have a dog in this race but there’s a few people in the comments who seem to be confusing someone from India or Egypt with someone who is black. And, again, I’m not an expert on ethnicity or geography, but that’s not the same thing.

C’mon man. That’s semantics.

I’m gonna hazard a guess and assume they have a Japanese History expert on the payroll. Because if not... yeesh.

I’ve got two basic rules:

C’mon man, don’t ruin it by bringing up religion.

I think you mean xXx_NukaBlunt_xXx

In the eyes of God we’re all legendary.

God forbid if crime is associated with the Yakuza franchise.

Nothing is ever racist to these people. White people literally marched giving Nazi salutes while brandishing weapons and tiki torches and they still talked about “both sides”.

At least I live in Canada... as I nervously look over at Ontario...

Honestly, I wonder what’s going to be her reaction when an intern comes forward with actual proof that Kavanaugh tried to rape her? That’s what I don’t get about this decision. It feels like they won the fight but now have a time bomb strapped to their chests.

My fear is that this will serve to rally the Republican base though. They certainly didn’t think Kavanaugh was guilty, they didn’t like Democrats questioning his honesty.

And it sickens me that him being confirmed will probably be a benefit and not a hindrance to the Republicans during the next election.

They’ve pretty much stopped pretending. Like, even if you ignore the sexual assault allegations there’s still a tonne of other reasons why Kavanaugh should be rejected. Hell, probably a dozen other choices which would still be a strong conservative vote on the Supreme Court that would not have the same baggage as

Democrats need to be better than this. 

Uh, I want it? I mean I’d prefer more SNES games and Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced but a netlix style way to play retro games is a cool idea and I really, really like it. 

$60 is pretty normal I think? Plus you get two. Maybe I’m just thinking Canada prices.

Eh, more of a Super Nintendo fan. Would have preferred a more mix of NES, SNES, Gameboy and GBA games.

Yeah I got it wasn’t intentional. Probably should have taken it as a slip of the tongue and not said anything. God knows I’ve said worse stuff without thinking it through.