This is going to turn into years of trauma well after they are released.
This is going to turn into years of trauma well after they are released.
Hm, think it would have been better to keep the TBF out of the comment.
My God am I glad the 90's are over. The artwork man. The Artwork!!
A News agency violating a persons personal life for questionable journalistic reasons?! Huh, good to know Gawker writers found work.
I’m not even close to finishing Octopath. I wanna play Spiderman, give Dragon Quest a chance and Divinity 2 is on the PS4 now so... spoiled for choices this week.
And what about respecting your disposable time commitment? It sucks if I spent money on a dud but I’m not spending any more time with a game that sucks than I have to.
Five minutes. Some RPG with crappy controls.
If that’s the case, which I doubt, then I guess I’d have to buy a PS4 Pro.
Aw man. Don’t know about Mexico but good luck getting them from Canada.
No but my dog’s barking.
Honestly I just wish anything was done in response to events like this. Ya wanna say mental health is the problem then fine. Petition your senator to approve better funding for mental health.
*looks at own base* Um... I got a dock.
During the mid-eighties, which was a time in my life when I thought laying down on a banana skate board and barrel assing my way down the hill I lived on was a smart way to pass my time, me and two of my friends decided to play dodge ball with rocks. With. Rocks. I was doing a good job of avoiding the rocks until one…
That’s every piece of media that ever existed. The stuff outside of the Star Wars movies are way more interesting than the movies themselves.
I’ve played the new update for over twenty hours and so far have only met one guy at the start. We looked at each other. And then I left.
Yes. If they were able to at least implement multiplayer in the game that would have assuaged at least some of the concerns and anger.
I’m excited.
Um... no? Micro transactions are a known “feature” in AAA games where they are used, errors are not the same as outright lies since no developer claims a game is 100% free of bugs and poor design choices are not the same thing as lying about a feature that’s not in the game. The base building mechanic in Fallout 4…
Totally agree.
Yeah, and the base game play loop is firing your mining laser at globs of resources. If you find the major part of NMS gameplay boring it might not matter if it also has this other stuff.