Deservedly so. Promised features missing from the game, outright lies being used to sell the game and a really lacklustre game play loop.
Deservedly so. Promised features missing from the game, outright lies being used to sell the game and a really lacklustre game play loop.
In that they lied about the content of their game and didn’t change the advertisement for the game even though it showed features that did not exist in the game.
It’s still the basic game play loop. Mine resources to improve equipment, repair items and fuel your ship, multi-tool and suit. If that’s what you had a problem with I wouldn’t bother. Definite improvements but it doesn’t solve some of the core problems of the game.
That... sounds incredible.
It’s like evil upon evil upon even more evil.
Cute girls do a thing. Except with cute boys. Yotsuiro Biyori is actually pretty good if you’re interested.
Good to know that even if we outlaw guns they’ll come back as cute boys/girls. Bastards.
As long as it’s not “high school student somehow knows kendo and is immediately able to translate that skill into fighting real people” I actually don’t mind the trope. Unfortunately that seems to be a lot of them.
Like I said. Challenging preconceptions and shaking up how things are done is good. Giving a moron the ability to choose two supreme court judges and ensuring that the worse parts of “the establishment” will remain in place for decades to come is not.
Not really actually. I’m up in Canada. But I’m guessing along party lines.
What’s so great about disruption? WW2 was a disruption. Prohibition was a disruption. Challenging preconceptions and shaking up how things are done is good. Disruption is not.
I would love to see how the vote broke down between Republican and Democrat judges.
Unfortunately the cops were too busy taking down Lil’ Susan’s lemonade stand.
Define “adult”.
I’m alternating between Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced and Fire Emblem at work this weekend. Over the week I still got Detroit to finish which is kind of... OK. I’ve only laughed derisively at it three times so far. Also downloaded Fortnite for my Switch which... OK, am I stupid or something how the fuck do I change…
Can’t wait for that Fire Emblem goodness.
Some sort of camp where you can concentrate all those children.
Dude I played the second game a decade or so ago. I know there’s Sora his pals Donald and Goofy and Square Enix. I don’t remember shit about the game except the beginning made me cry a bit.
I haven’t played all the games over multiple systems so I have no fucking clue who they are, what they’re doing, who they’re fighting and why that persons heart is in the main characters heart or what anybody is talking about.
I still don’t know if the Death Stranded trailer is more confusing than the Kingdom Hearts trailer.