I borrowed Dark Souls 3 from the library so I’ll be playing that a bit. Plus the wonderful world of job searching.
I borrowed Dark Souls 3 from the library so I’ll be playing that a bit. Plus the wonderful world of job searching.
It’s twenty bucks and there’s enough old titles I want to play but don’t want to pay nine bucks a pop.
Sounds well worth $20 a year.
No! They have to remind us all the time to shut up about Clinton already! They won! Because this is exactly like a sporting event!
It’s ok to say he made a mistake guys. We’re used to it.
Forget uptalk we need to talk about up dog.
Well, yeah. That’s how all the DLC works for the new Fire Emblems.
You just described nihilism.
It didn’t really bother me. I mean the basic plot of Star Ocean is primitive society meets advanced society who eventually meets even more advanced society. The plot twist was in keeping with that.
They should have called it The Fisting.
Because that’s a stupid question. Yes, Stormtroopers in Lord of the Rings would be incongruous. But, again, these women existed and only including them in the singleplayer would be an insult to their sacrifice. They are not your false equivalent example of something that does not exist. But here’s the interesting…
As a non-fan of Monster Hunter all I have to say is OK.
Ok now I get it... And I still want it.
Again. These are about a specific group of women who, while the so called men were pissing their boots, were being badasses on the front line. To not include them in the Russian army would be a serious missed opportunity.
I am saying anybody who complains about historical accuracy when a) these are real women who fought and b) you complain about historical accuracy in a game that is not historically accurate is being an idiot.
Look, honestly I never played the game. But from what I understand you single handedly take on a fucking tank. Yo are not playing real people. You are not playing the average soldier. You are already playing as the exception to the rule. You are playing as a specific group of soldiers from a specific country who…
I’m pretty sure there’s a picture of this clown with a penis gun. I am not googling clown penis gun.
It’s a languorous handjob that occasionally just squeezed so hard you start to test up... And then it starts up again.
I’ve never had Peach Mint but it sounds lovely.
I’ve never had Peach Mint but it sounds lovely.