I absolutely think he’s guilty. This is not an act of a guilty man. It’s an act of a person charged with a serious crime.
I absolutely think he’s guilty. This is not an act of a guilty man. It’s an act of a person charged with a serious crime.
Even if he’s innocent of collusion he fucking sucks at convincing people he didn’t.
Plus these are female soldiers who actually fought and died in WW1. So yeah, it is historical. And if I hear one more “But only 6000 actually fought. It’s not realistic!” I am going to murder someone.
They complain when you say you want the game to be more realistic and they complain when you want more diversity. I say fuck it.
After you die in the game a german soldier is sent to your home to kill your family.
And there are no females in these simulators? Doesn’t sound all that realistic.
This game does not depict realism. In the campaign, you are playing the best goddamn epitome of soldierism in the history of modern fucking war. Mowing down your enemy with prototype weapons that were not produced in great numbers and were never used in the way they are depicted.
You think it was Roy Arthur Brown who shot down the Red Baron? Naw man, it was a horse. They don’t teach that in your fancy history books.
“Hey, I’d really like a realistic depiction of WWI with detailed weapon mechanics and tactics showing the horrors of modern warfare.”
But muh ummursion!!!
She can be critical if she wants and I don’t think she’s saying people can’t enjoy it.
I’ve only watched Dragon Maid but she’s good with kids, cooks, and no one will rob you. Ever. Marry her.
Tonight, on How to Catch a Predator.
Yes. Just not that cat.
I mean yeah it is a very fan servicy show *cough cough* Lucoa *cough cough* and when that fan service is centered around the, um, younger characters it is a little uncomfortable. But it’s also a show about a female otaku working in a male dominated and skilled environment who accepts two strangers dealing with PTSD…
Nah, when a greedy little shit found one they turned into an uber altruistic good guy. Obviously, it’s the Pa-wraiths.
Well, he’d do work... if the cat wasn’t using the chair.
Honestly, it was a reference to a joke made by these guys. Plus that’s basically the ultimate hard mode. Dark Soul players have nothing on this guy.
OK, stop looking people. We have found Dark Souls.