
Don’t you know he’s the most corrupt, evil, most racist president who ever existed? I’m not going to give you any proof and when you deny this I’m just gonna call you a libtard who listens to fake news.

Invites this Mohamed guy he keeps hearing about out for BBQ pork and beer. I am not even joking.

Honestly, it wouldn’t surprise me if he just said “fuck it, moving to Moscow” during this trip.

But really, let me tell you about Obama...

It would be beyond stupid for Trump to do anything against him. So yeah, maybe.

He would hopefully be able to confirm things that are, for now, suspicions. Any amount of testimony and evidence that can be used against Trump will be useful in getting him and hopefully Pence out.

Quick, close the borders!

That’s a couple of dollars per map wich is not all that ridiculous. Check out the Canadian prices if you want ridiculous.

I’d recommend skipping Fates. It’s not a bad game but it’s pretty much Awakening Redux.

She may no longer be royalty but she is the queen of shade. Just look at that face!

Yeah, he knows something.


Eh, I don’t know. It’s editing when it hasn’t been released. It’s censorship if they have to change it after it has been. Whatever.

I’m pretty sure if Mario was giving people the finger they’d be taking that out to.

How dare people like things.

He’ll probably invite this Mohamed guy to the White House for BBQ pork and beer.

Step 5:????Ohgodohgodohgodfuckingdamnit???

Just... yeah, everyone is complicit. They should just retire and bring their show to vaudeville.