
Oh I’m sure some of those words have been used to describe her... along with some others.

And, unless things have changed, Sony hasn’t released sales numbers for the Pro which means it probably was a hard sell for most consumers. Although honestly, I think it’s a hard sell at almost any price. I’ve already got a PS4, my TV is barely 1080 as it is and if I cared enough for 60 FPS I’d have a decent PC

Yeah and I have zero interest in building a PC.

A phone, even a iphone, has multiple and even necessary uses. I can use it as a GPS, look for restaurants, surf the web, make phone calls (of course), check social media, do basic word processing, etc. A console, you can play games and you can watch TV. Plus, you can defer the cost of a smartphone. You can’t really do

Suddenly that $299 price tag doesn’t sound all that unreasonable huh?

Yes, my sympathy for is mitigated by her uttter stupidity but she also lost her husband. Even if it was because of her own stupidity I can’t help feel sad for her.

No it’s not. It’s about streaming. There is no reason why we cannot have this conversation without spoilers. And it was not “Oh you mentioned spoilers let’s talk about spoilers” it was “fuck you random person that’s not Gizmo I’m just going to spoil the game because I disagree with you, Not Gizmo, and fuck everyone

I’m at the art gallery and what’s killing me is that I’m at a point where I’m constantly making the wrong choice and getting ambushed by guards. Once I’m past that point I should be ok.

She lost her husband. I can face palm at her stupidity and be sad for her at the same time.

It’s better for some parts of the country. Other parts not so well.

Double fang hits my character.

No, it’s an article about Atlus not wanting streamers to stream the game pass a certain point. There was no warning in the article there might be spoilers. No one in the comments section warned there was spoilers. There was no reason for me to think I was going to be spoiled on the game. There was no reason for me to

So here’s my one complaint about this game. So, you’re the fucking big badass main character. The only member of your team who can summon different persona’s, combine them to be stronger and even more badass, nothing phases you. You are the master of your fate. So why is it you’re the only one who can’t be revived by

Well considering the response of gamers has been, “let’s spoil the game for everyone who had nothing to do with this decision instead of responding responsibly”...


Well, it proves that we can’t handle this information in a responsible and respectable manner and spoil the game for me and everyone else who doesn’t know Japanese or didn’t get the game early. I was going to defend the streamers right to stream the game and that they are responsible enough not to spoil the game for

And I get punished because why? What did I do?

Oh fuck you asshole. Am i WoWojoe? Am I Atlus? Have I in any way said anything to you or about this topic? Then fuck. you. Fuck you for ruining what should have been an enjoyable plot twist you sad, sad petulant child. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck. You.

I mean the worse that happened to me was that I couldn’t date the tom boy because I wasn’t smart enough. Don’t worry too much, check out some walkthroughs if you’re worried about messing up any of the school questions.

I believe there’s a Rise poster.