
I much prefer the NFL version of highlights where I get more pop up screens than when I watch some live ass fucking porn from a brothel in Turkey.


Says the guy reading deep into the deadspin comments section the microwave...?!?

Look up the McDonald’s case, would you?

You mean the fact that Deadspin can’t link to NFL videos but the NFL CAN link to Deadspin videos?

Counterpoint: C’mon, guy.

Why do teams still try to score with more than five seconds remaining?

This is what Donald Trump says every time he looks at his polling numbers among African-Americans.

Yes, it reminds me of my favorite German joke: Pushing someone down into the mud and laughing at them.

It’s like the Boist St. tacklers were invisible or something.

You’re right. I will certainly not be voting for this Bill Clinton person.

That GIF is the reaction I had to watching the GIF in the first place.

Sweet jesus, how great is that GIF?

Don’t full understand the commitment to the “Marky Mark is scum” narrative.

“I got the best Tebow, this is a real good Tebow.”

Mormons drink caffeine. About 95% of practicing Mormons do and the church leadership does not tell them not to. Source: drinking a Mountain Dew at work on campus at BYU right now.

I am so sick of seeing this argument that heating healthy is expensive, a pack of frozen vegetables is like $1-$3 and that can easily be filling with some rice which is super cheap. I know (from personal experience) that a McDonald's "value" meal will run you at least $5-7 per person. Let's be real here and say that

This is so incredibly true. And anyone who says that you can eat healthy cheaper than unhealthy is bullshitting you. I know because I've done both. When I was eating healthy and working out daily and gaining muscle.... That was my only job. Someone else was supporting me (parents, specifically). I had no other