
What - were you raised by wolves?

“What about Dennis Rodman? He’s huge and strong! With a build like that, he should have no trouble whatsoever assigning this job to one small man with no expertise handling this sort of thing.”

I love that he has to keep serving fast food because everyone made fun of him for it once, and he is constitutionally incapable of allowing even the implication he might have been wrong by serving better food now.

Are you absolutely, positively certain it wasn’t “Boo-urns?” I'm not convinced.

May no man ever attempt to succeed in his chosen profession, or in life, by means of moving for a raise” -Sports Fans

Actual LOL

Did you know that when it snows,

As long as all of the punches were thrown underhand, no rules were broken.

“He .... has been wearing a soft cast.”

My first AB for Wilson as a Deal 9th grader (back when it was still a Junior High) was in a DCIAA game, although I don’t remember against who. It was at Dunbar, but i don’t think it was against Dunbar. Coach Smith, who had also played for Wilson a few years previous, described a game he played in where a van full of

In Mormon basketball Green would have kicked in him the nuts and not even pretended it was anything else.

“Newly expanded 10th anniversary edition!”

For me, the reactions of the girlfriend really stood out to me, not that anything about it wasn’t shocking. Rather just her non-chalant reactions made it clear that she was completely used to him doing stuff like that, which is just chilling.

Everyone can pee standing up. The difference lies in how wet your socks are at the end.

I don’t know if it counts under superior sportiness or not, but I definitely relish being the one called to crush all the ceiling spiders.

He’s every coach I never had

This is a medium baller move at best.

Sometimes I feel like that future is now.

Wait, you were being serious?