
I of course just bought these a few weeks ago at the higher price, but I’m a fan. Noise cancelling is really good for home meetings blocking out the kids running around. Wind is fine on the bike. I cycle twice a week and I use the audio pass through so I listen to a book and also hear the crazies zooming in their

I of course just bought these a few weeks ago at the higher price, but I’m a fan. Noise cancelling is really good

Speaking of exposing ones self... don’t use the r word please. 

Get rid of the middle of the inning commercial break. Why does it take so long to just get your team out on the field?! 

I have to admit, I’m the idiot. I went to a restaurant one time and found out an our later back at my car that I left it on.

I think fouling should be like a 10 second run off in NFL or two consecutive intentional fouls = a T. I love basketball, but I think it ruins the sport. You just can’t have a sport where you can somehow benefit from fouling.

Thank you for this, I’ll now always have something to refer to when I feel like I’ve just posted the dumbest thing ever.

I wish the rule would be that they’re not able to use slow motion video to determine a catch. It should be able to be overturned using a normal live point of view. If it’s too close that you need slow motion to overturn, then I think it should what ever was called should stand.

What is this the Minority Report where we’re enforcing punitive measures on potential crimes that might be committed? Please, not how due process works. Why stop there with your little narrative? “... she could have pulled out a gun!? He should have just shot her just to be safe.”

Sadly, he was on his own page.

Wait wait wait... he prevented her from harming herself by harming her far worse than she could ha e ever harmed herself in that situation? Nah

*^ “that’s why who ever installed it should have installed it with a liner”

I’d be careful with this one if done a lot. Most countertops have particle type board under the countertop and after a few years of blasting it with hot steam, it can cause some damage.

Thanks for spreading raising awareness of this. My brother who had dealt with schizophrenia for 20+ years through various medications passed away a few weeks ago as a result from the wrong combination of a new medication to counter the weight gain caused from his other medication. It was devastating, maddening, and

MLB defines a swing as “an attempt to strike at the ball.” This was no attempt other than an attempt by the ump to screw the guy for having fun.

Can someone please invent an egg de-shell-er instead?

Can someone please invent an egg de-shell-er instead?

I Like the illustrations but could you please include an actual picture of the finished product?

Our building’s carpet was just replaced; it won’t have any affect on our ability to throw a vicious elbow on the same guy we serve with on Sunday.

Does anyone know if it’s legal to hike the ball back further than the normal 7 yds for field goals? I know they’d be kicking further, but sometimes I’d think I’d rather kick a 50 than a 45 if it meant I could have that much more room behind the line.