
My favorite thing about sports is getting a couple of measly hours away from my whore of a wife!

I'll man up and admit error. I still don't see any sign it is sarcasm, considering how bare bones that comment is. But my apologies, I took it at face value because so many people on the internet are offended over literally everything. I've had too many relatives get handed life altering diagnoses, and know how much

Thanks for the Quick Look text selection tip!

I completed my first - and last - Ironman in 2003 (hey, it involves a marathon and the events to be described occurred after midnight, so its technically the day after). Anyway, I crashed on my bike around mile 60 and suffered a slight shoulder separation. I continued on despite searing heat and pain, finishing in

Let me preface this by saying I overslept for the Marathon in the Olympics a couple of years ago. So I was staying with a friend in her building in Manhattan a few days before the race. Well I insult her building manager without knowing so because I am not adept to American customs being from Trinidad. So he tells me

A few years back before I really go into running my friend convinced me to do a marathon with him. Based off of some shorter races (10k's and one half) I figured I could run the race in about 4 hours. Before hand we had joked about what we would do if we got the "runs" while we were running, and discussed how the only

Installed. It's so stupid to disable this. Whether it's by looking in the source code or even screenshotting, someone who wants something off a site will get it so there's no reason to disable the context menu other than to annoy the hell out of your visitors.

That wrong isn't really a wrong because something far away and barely tangentially-related is MORE wrong!

Anybody who uses the phrase "Big Pharma" immediately loses credibility.

From the future.....

Don't try to understand Gawker's white guilt.

I have reservations about this.

Just for reference.

As long as we win the WS, I'm perfectly ok with that.

I prefer my Guac with lime juice.

When I read that you didn't enjoy District 9, I stopped reading.

Kid's tough. He won't miss a shift in the mines.

July 18th – Question: In 1960, according to the U.S. Census Bureau which of the large American cities was the richest per capita? Answer: Detroit, Michigan. Ironically, 1961 was the last year Detroit had a Republican mayor. Today Detroit became the largest municipal bankruptcy in U.S. history. Last February, The

Salmon and Asparagus with a basil/tomato/onion/capers salad. Just last night, one of my favorites!