I use mint and EVERY single transaction falls in a monthly budget. I pretend that the total budgeted is all the money I have. If there's a week left and I only have $100 left in my grocery budget, that's ALL I spend.
I use mint and EVERY single transaction falls in a monthly budget. I pretend that the total budgeted is all the money I have. If there's a week left and I only have $100 left in my grocery budget, that's ALL I spend.
I think you're struggling with what "fair market value" is. The 270 remaining applicants who are willing to take the spot of the person who doesn't think it's fair, makes the wage fair market.
Agreed. I was doing ok working at home until the TWINS came about 6 months ago. I had to rent an office. I just now need to find a browser filter that blocks Netflix and I'll be all set.
What kind of world do you think you live in where people wouldn't be shocked to hear that anyone earned two degrees from Johns Hopkins. You're probably .0001% of the population, are obviously extremely smart, but for some reason you're surprised when people are shocked to learn what sounds impossible, you achieved.…
Is there a light on your caps lock? If you push it, the light will turn off so you can save energy.
He said "extra" football, not "more" football, you ALL CAPS moron. The sentiment being, the football version of extra innings or overtime. You really need to relax.
Of all the vast money being exchanged, it's funny how the people responsible for everyone else making so much of it, get none.
I was hoping this was the article that Deadspin finally recognized how offensive it is to have a team named after Vikings. What year is this!? As a Germanic descendent, I think its ridiculous they all think we still wear hats with horns.
They should be tax exempt for providing such a wonderful public service.
That's completely fair, and I apologize. But to me that doesn't mean that you as the writer of the article can't do your own due diligence and critique any the winners. It just should not be defended as an alternative to photoshop. It's just not. It came off that you were agreeing with each of these, especially in…
Ha. Trust me, I did after I was blown away that anyone in their mind would argue it as a substitute photoshop. It's like saying Excel is a good alternative for Word. Sure they both can add text, creat/edit documents, reformat paragraphs, but neither does what the other is designed to do. I use Lightroom daily and…
Lightroom? I think you need to re-read up on the definition of "alternative."
I use Gunnars. They totally work for me reducing headaches/eye strain. Please don't tell me they don't because I'm at least enjoying the placebo effect.
probably. Thanks for the reminder. In the future I'll make sure I ask them for the magnesia juice. I'm a respecter of milk.
So the etymology of milk contains the word "milk"? That's like call defining salty tastes as food that tastes like salt. Please break down the etymology you're using of the term "milk-like" that the plant juices are stealing. For some reason, I believe you're going to find it stemming from thinks having to do with…
Stop calling it 'milk'. It's soy juice or rice juice or what ever you want to call it. If you're so against drinking milk, quit pretending to keep doing so.
Making murder legal is totally irrelevant because it is ALWAYS bad. If the type of murder considered was acceptable then it wasn't murder, it was some other form of acceptable killing, which you're right, isn't illegal. Gun usage on the other hand is NOT always bad (self defense, hunting, sport shooting), so unless…
No. I'm just pointing it out how dumb a comment like "they should make guns illegal" is. Murder is illegal, so therefore all murderers are willing to break the law making it illegal. It is so naive to think these people will start keeping a new law that says guns are illegal when they're willing to break law against…
If only murder was illegal. Oh wait...
True on all accounts.