It takes you 1983 words to make people feel better about murdering babies?
It takes you 1983 words to make people feel better about murdering babies?
I love that the people who argue in favor of abortion also happen to be the same people who weren't aborted.
People asked this same question about slavery. Murderers.
I'm asking for such precision tolerances. Thanks apple.
As apposed to the other poor ones on the list.
Ordered on att and kept my unlimited.
Go back to bed.
Thank you for articulating perfectly my view on sippy cups
It sounds to me like 1900 was the greatest Olympics ever.
How dare a free service like NBC try to do something that increases revenue. Deadspin of course never makes changes because of financial reasons. I plan on watching it with the rest of America on the greatest time zone that ever was... PST.
Boxee. I've had roku and apple tv. Boxee is best of both. web browser, airplay, 2 usb hookups, great file library, the remote is far superior, ... I could go on.
He totally won! Nobody ever mentions how many times he hit Ryan's fist with his face.
Try again wagnerrp. You're doing the math for gigabytes. You're looking for terabytes / megabytes, which is what the author didn't do and why it needs the #correction.
Nuts. Now I look even more like a jerk. Though I can blame put most of the blame on autocorrect on Safari.
Don't I look like a jerk?
You're making us buy alum look really lame.
You're way off here man. I'm a regular reader and I love these occasional non standard posts. This inspired me to just buy a meat grinder attachment for the wive's kitchenaid mixer. So long frozen meat patties and and so long KillerBee.
Ha. Totally, I know exactly what you mean. Everything becomes funny for me too after I'm wrong when I just say 'I was just kidding'.
Or you're too stupid to research something before posting: [learn here]