
So better hardware does not improve performance (#10) and if you really want to some speed boosts you should upgrade your hardware (#1)? Something seems conflicting.

So the 1% of users should not be forced to scale back usage to benefit the other 99%? I thought the gawker network was in favor of this type of redistribution of resources.

Darn rich person who can afford a computer to complain that people are rich for being able to eat chicken.

This made me so happy I seriously cried.

We ended up not developing for android because of this very issue.

0 degrees? Wow, he's going to be swimming through ice? That's just awesome.

Next April are you going to remind us again that we're cutting our nails wrong? #youtoldusalready

No it can't to answer your question. Sure you can do what macmanway and brjisjazz say and waste time converting files, adding to iTunes, and hoping they stream well on your network, but why do all that. Get a Boxee. SOOOO much better in SOOO many ways. It'll play those MKVs like you wouldn't believe from one of two

It's not. Roku is better though I bought a Roku as well, but now it just sits gathering dust after I realized the boxee was even so much better than that. The USB file manger ap on the Roku is a joke. Plus no internet browser, qwerty remote, airplay support...

I have had everything apple for the last 10 years but why would anyone get this over a Boxee... 2 usb ports for externals HDs, for what ever file types, built in browser, does airplay, way more apps including VUDU where you can rent anything that itunes has and more, a KILLER library UI for local files that

Doesn't this totally contradict everything we just learned in your [Sous Vide] lesson. Look at all that nasty non conductive air surrounding the eggs. I'd say it would be better to just practice some temperature control with the water.

As much as I hate Godaddy, this is my one and only reason for using them for my personal storage. It's not going anywhere.

I kept waiting for the verb in that sentence.

I've seen this so many times: [2010]


I was kidding. It was just a lame HIGHLY used complaint for macs over the years.

"How do you right click?"

I don't get your point. Those were black bins and these are obviously red ones.

i don't get it, is the morning after a new ap or something?