Jesse in Japan

I was never a fan of his, but to be fair to those who were, in those pre-2016 years, Assange was positioning himself as similar to Daniel Ellsberg. Today, he’s more obviously a Russian asset — especially insofar as he selectively leaks material based on who Russia wants to come out on top of a political contest,

He’s doing it to himself. If only he’d stayed in Sweden he’d been a free man for a long time now, since they don’t extradite to countries that employ capital punishment. But no, he had to run from justice and be the narcissistic manipulative maniac that he is.

Another “freedom fighter” whose actions keep tipping towards helping the fascist regime of Russia. Weird how that keeps happening.

You’re kidding me, right?

Should have punished them and made them use kinja.

Magnolia is what made me fall head over heels for John C. Reilly. lots of amazing movies on this list.

Memento: “Now, where was I?”

Not merely “weebs.” Not “kawaii desu~~~” weebs, nor even model-building Gundam nerds, though that stuff is there. It’s hikkokomori dakimakura shit, everywhere. Crypto-pedo NII-CHAN moe jackoff fuel hitting you in the face from every other storefront. You go to Akihabara and you want to take a shower after.


No, you’re right, that is true. Though, I really wonder, had Lev been assigned as a warrior like Yara, there may have been exactly 0 major issues staying with the Seraphites. That is to say, even if they continually dead-named him or whatever other micro-aggressions they certainly would have thrown at him, I don’t

 I’ve been there 3 times over the years and I’ve liked it less and less every time. I feel like the street sellers have gotten increasingly brazen, and there were more and more scam sellers/ shops on the street the last time I went.

I love my gunpla, so it’s a great place to go for that. Yodobashi Camera, Radio

I guess when you don’t naturally think of trans being an issue, then Lev being trans wasn’t the core issue. Lev actually had a few issues with the cult, gender identity was one, but the bigger one was being asigned to be a sex slave to one of the village elders. That is what drove the drastic decisions on cutting his

Everything in Lev’s story is predicated on his identify tho... Yes, it’s not addressed in depth within the context of interactions with Abby or interactions with Yara, but it’s fundamental to everything about Lev.

That happened because the Spring leaks said that there’s a trans character, so naturally g*mers immediately decided that the buff woman must be transgender (of course they would never call it something that kind), because cis women don’t have muscles.

So I had to wait 6 months to play it (waiting for it to go on sale as I do every game), and managed to avoid most spoilers. But with the all the hoo ha around it, truly I thought that Abby was a trans character, its the only thing that made sense. I was actually intrigued to play a game from the perspective of a trans

My best friend and I went in 2004 (she’d spent a year as an exchange student previously) and she refused to take me to Akihabara because it was super skeevy and “full of dirty old men and porn shops". 

Thirding that sleazy take. Prior to visiting Akihabara in 2012 I must admit I just had no idea how staggeringly vast the market is for anime sleaze in Japan. It’s shop after shop, each with seven floors, every room stacked floor to ceiling with doe-eyed anime porno of one sort or another. And that’s not even getting

You’re right about the sleazy feel. Especially a few years back in that street that runs parallel to Chuo-Doru (with the Kotobukiya store on it). Until Tokyo Met finally decided to clean it up, that place was over-run by not just kind of pushy “maids” trying to coax people into shady maid cafes, but girls in school

You know how if you’ve got a friend visiting and you know NYC, you’d steer them away from eating or shopping near Times Square? How it’s really only worth visiting to see it as a whole, but everything there is too generic and tourist-scam-y compared to the surrounding city? And how locals would straight-up mock you

Having been there, it’s not necessarily weebs (it is a ‘town’ in Tokyo, so it functions a lot like any other place with businesses) but that it’s just massively overwhelming even for Tokyo. If you visit you really have to have a plan in place to where you want to go and what you’re looking for, and even then you’ll

I wanted to swing by the district last time we were there, and we did but we bounced off after probably an hour or two. It was cool to see some of the old toys and games, but the intense tourist feeling just wasn’t our thing.