Jesse in Japan

Fascist policies are always shot down until, one day, the system buckles and one gets through. And then another gets through. And then they quickly encroach on all of the democratic hurdles that stand in their way until there is nothing left but the fascist policies. And then we are well and truly fucked. The whole

I’m not saying it was aliens, but it was aliens.

The absence of Dark is absolutely unforgivable. Frankly, I’m surprised that Sacred Games didn’t make the cut either. Reading through the list, I was like, “Damn, somebody really hates subtitles, huh.”

It surely did not help the site when the founder turned out to be a fascist.

Who among us hasn’t played around with fireworks in abandoned buildings?

Far Cry is the perfect game for when you are struggling with really bad jetlag. It keeps you awake when you need to stay awake without requiring you to use your brain, which is currently in sleep mode. 3 and 4 helped me get through a time difference of 14 hours.

Hell yeah for Magnolia! 

Discord may not be perfect, but I like their user trust level system and flag system; they make it much easier for mods to take out the trash. Moderating is thankless, soul-crushing work that destroys your faith in humanity, so I’m for anything that makes moderation a community effort while taking the strain off of

It’s fascism; it doesn’t have to make sense.

The only country that wants fascists like Assange these days is Russia.

You can stand up for yourself without physically assaulting someone, you know, Panchan Lady.

A lawyer can’t prevent a client from appearing on TV if that’s what the client wants, but if that was the lawyers idea...then yeah.

I am a Netflix Japan subscriber, but I gotta say, they really need to step up their game when it comes to what they offer. Anime (a niche market to begin with) is not going to cut it; they need to license more movies and TV shows here to set themselves apart from Amazon Prime, which is cheaper and also includes free

And...a bunch of whiners who haven’t even played the games coming here to complain about plot details that they read about third-hand in 3...2...1...

It’s not so much the weebs as the sense that most of the shops have become identical to each other. You have to really search for what you’re looking for, and you can often do better elsewhere. Also, not a lot of places in Japan feel outright sleazy, but Akiba can. Japanese people can and will make fun of you just for

On the one hand, it’s kind of sad how dependent Akihabara is on tourists. On the other hand, if you’ve been there, you can kind of understand why locals tend to avoid the place.

I translate contracts from Japanese into English all the time, and the “antisocial forces” clause is really common, standard boilerplate here. I once translated a gym membership agreement that contained the exact same “must not have been a member of any antisocial forces within the last five years.”

That’s odd. I thought that Utah and Texas were against so-called “cancel culture.”

Jesus Christ, he has been in office for just over a month. Give him two months before you start complaining. $2,000 checks don’t just happen overnight.

Lucky Australia.