Jesse in Japan

Yeah, they don’t really pay their cheerleaders either.

Well, that is an entirely valid point of you if you ask me! It certainly can be argued that GOTY should go to the most fun game (and fun is not the first word that comes to mind with The Last of Us, to be sure). I personally think that “Most Fun” should be its own, separate category and that GOTY should be based on

Yes, I really cannot think of another revenge story in all of literature that takes you through the story of both sides of not just a revenge, but a cycle of revenge upon revenge, letting you see the lives of both so intimately. In the first game, we saw Joel’s “original sin” if you will. Whether you agree with what

People expect growth to mean something like “becoming a better person” or “finding closure.” I think that many people expect that in the real world, as well. Things are messy. People are messy. Stories don’t have to be messy, but to call a story bad simply because it’s messy is just...missing the point of stories. And

I appreciate your point, but I am not trying to convince anyone that I am right and they are wrong so much as I am trying to refine my own opinions. This is a game that I was very conflicted about throughout the play experience and for days afterwards. Discussing it in retrospect and touching on that dissonance only

No, I was talking about the controls, the aiming and the fact that you now have a choice between stealth and combat (the first game made you use stealth in some places and made you fight in others).

Are you kidding about the gameplay? The gameplay was significantly improved over the first game.

In video game criticism, the term “writing” refers not only to the overarching story, but to every line of dialog, every staged situation and scenario, every mission and all in-game text. While the story had weaknesses, this is not at all the same thing as “poorly written.”

If you have to ask, “Will it even fit on my wall,” your probably can’t afford it.

Whether you loved or hated the story and its messages, it is hard to imagine somebody arguing effectively and in good faith that The Last of Us Part II was anything less than exceptionally well-made and well-written.

For the love of god, please tell them to block Epoch Times. It is literally the propaganda arm of an actual goddamn cult that worships Trump.

You have no idea what a vaccine is, do you? Also, 1.5 million deaths out of 66 million cases does not work out to less than 1%.

Hey, it worked for Gene Hackman’s character in Enemy of the State until Will Smith showed up and messed everything up.

The word “defund” is the only thing that makes it such a non-starter for people. The idea is to reduce police funding (a lot of which is used for the increasing militarization of police forces) so that that money can be used to fund sensible programs that actually prevent crime, while the word “defund” implies

I suggest we just go ahead and make whatever day he dies on a national holiday.

Your bitcoins are worth 20k a piece until the moment you try to actually sell them for dollars.

Abortion is sad. Forcing a woman to give birth to and then raise a child she doesn’t want and may not be capable of raising is tragic.

You’re right. It’s not the MAX’s fault. It’s because of Boeing’s corporate culture. And that is why I would prefer not to fly a Boeing plane at all if I can avoid it.

It’s great that Trump will no longer be president, but it’s not so great that Twitter will still exist...

Why would they? It got them elected once and almost got them elected again. And now they have nothing to lose.