Jesse in Japan

Best Buy does not take a cut of the monthly fee that the cell phone service provider charges you. Mercedes does not take a cut of the motor oil or gasoline that you put in your car. But this is not like a Best Buy at all. This is like if Best Buy founded a city and then determined which businesses were allowed to

It is industry standard because Apple decided it was industry standard. I am concerned about this exactly because I am the consumer (although, honestly, I cannot fathom why anyone would want to buy an Apple product). Do you really think that none of that 30% gets passed on to the consumer? Do you think that the app

I think that the main argument against Apple is quite simple: the 30% cut that Apple takes is exorbitant.

I don’t know if this was the first game that disappointed me, but the game that disappointed me the most was Metal Gear Solid IV. It was just so linear; you could only go exactly where you were supposed to go. Also, did MGS IV even have a plot? I honestly don’t remember. I can remember the plots of MGS 1, 2, 3 and 5

Ouch, that’s a pretty big nail in Thriller’s coffin. Makes what he did to TikTok seem minor by comparison.

Is “fuck” really the right word for exposing your egg sac to his milt when both thrashing about in a primordial ooze?

Adam Sandler was really stressed out about that, if I recall correctly.

That does kind of explain their support for Republicans.

One down, millions left to go.

From the perspective of a fascist, a centrist seems like the radical left. That’s just how far to the right Trump and his ilk are.

Your argument is based around the idea that the country producing the vaccine might be so totally incapacitated by the virus as to become unable to continue producing the vaccine. This argument does not make any sense, as an entire country does not work together to make a vaccine collectively. Only a small percentage

If these people get COVID-19 and die, that’s sad. If other people die because these assholes are hogging up all the ventilators? Now that’s a tragedy.

If you sell it, it’s a crime. If you go on national TV and suggest injecting it as though that’s the latest White House guidance, it’s a gaffe that somehow how taken out of context by the fake news media.

And this, folks, is why you don’t make statues out of wood.

Cancel culture is a label that people use when they encounter free speech that disagrees with their own free speech. Backlash IS free speech. Boycotts ARE free speech. Decisions about whether or not to publish a certain book ARE free speech. Refusing to watch Woody Allen movies and urging others not to watch his

The only patriotism that matters to “conservatives” is fealty to god-emperor Trump. There is no America, there is no country. There is only Trump, now and forever. 

After we cut emissions? That’s like talking about what will happen with COVID-19 after everyone starts wearing masks, except the latter is so much easier to actually achieve.

If somebody fucks up your country beyond repair, you’re gonna be biased against that person thereafter. I’m not even sure if bias is the right word at that point. Maybe “vindictive?” 

These sites probably will not be allowed (or logistically able) to operate in Hong Kong at all under the new law, so there’s not much point in cooperating with the authorities now.

What strikes me is that all of these people are either for or against the game because of the story or elements of the story. Meanwhile, I felt that the gameplay has been much improved from the first game and the pacing of the action makes it a lot more engaging, as well. The story had its ups and downs, to be sure,