Jesse in Japan

I would imagine that SDNY has all the evidence they (feel) they need for a conviction. Maxwell hasn’t just come to their attention or anything; they have been investigating this for months while attempting to locate her. The severity of the alleged crimes is such that SDNY has no reason to put it on the back burner,

Sadly, yes. Yes, that is exactly how we settle arguments nowadays.

How many people have been murdered in Europe so far this due (at least in part) to the color of their skin?

I think with Rick and Morty it’s more about how the humor is just so unexpected, so out of left field that it throws you off-balance. It makes you laugh before you even have time to think about it.

I think that the fact that their reservation system allowed 1,000,000 people to make reservations for a venue that could only accommodate 20,000, coupled with the fact that the campaign repeatedly bragged that the entire Tulsa metro area was somehow planning to show up, had more to do with the outcome than anything a

Making fun of Instagram influencers is always worthy of our time.

Well, they sure as hell know what blackface is now. And that’s all that matters, really. I can’t tell if you’re defending blackface as long as it’s done without knowledge of what it means or if you’re just really into cultural relativism, but even the kindest assessment, taking into account naivety, would still

Money is what you get for peddling a stationary bike in the second episode of Black Mirror.

Yeah, traitors against England. You don’t see a lot of statues of Washington or Jefferson in London, do you?

It is so weird that people who are so supportive of LGB stop and go “Hell no” when they get to T. I don’t know what Rowling’s hang up is, but I hope that she is still open to evolving. 

What the hell was she trying to say when she brought up the day she lost her virginity?

I think that this is a pretty common criticism of the media in general, but the fact of the matter is that the writers and editors rarely have anything to do with the advertising side of the business. I would also like to point out that Gizmodo employs a large number of writers whose opinions aren’t in any way

I wonder how many other countries have statues of traitors all over the place.

I can’t wait to see how Jason Bateman gets his way out of this situation!

Next, Trump will announce America’s withdrawal from the EU.

The sad thing about all this is that Amy Cooper probably already has a lucrative job lined up at Fox News.

It’s not that racist, inflammatory and harassing content comes from the conservative side. It’s that racist, inflammatory and harassing (not to mention extremist, fascist, what have you) content IS the conservative side. That’s what conservatism in America has become and that’s all that’s left of it.

Trump himself is still gonna keep taking it, right? That’s what counts here.

How is it that this asshole still hasn’t caught COVID-19? Oh, right, because there is no god.

This is big news! It proves what we’ve long suspected: that we can make bigly bucks by pretending that we found Jeebus.