Jesse in Japan

It's not enough just to give these women knives. They need to be trained in how to use them in an actual combat situation. If a woman doesn't know what she's doing with the knife, it'll be easy for her attacker to get it away from her, and he'll be angry.

Paul Thomas Anderson would never lower himself to the level of making a Star Wars movie. That's like asking Michelangelo to draw a cartoon mascot for a fast food restaurant (no offense to Star Wars or fast food).

Hells yeah! As long as they give him complete creative control over the project.

I hate to nitpick, but is it really a robot if there's a human doctor at the other end? How about calling it a drone or something?

I think that authors should use vaguer, more subjective terms when describing characters. For example, instead of describing height and weight and skin/eye/hair color, they should say something like: "She looked like a girl fresh out of college, her face eliciting in the people who saw her the same emotions as one

It doesn't say "The number of shoppers is small" where you say it does. It says that the numbers that they order (the shipments) are small. Though to be fair, it does say that there are few users in parentheses further below, as an explanation for why they're too afraid to order large quantities.

Insider trading? This is corporate espionage. The SEC is the least of your worries if you do something like that.

They probably didn't catch it because it's not spelled right.

It's performance art. The act of working 45 days making iPads to buy an iPad is the art, not the iPad itself.

I wonder: did her employment contract specify whether she could moonlight and what kinds of outside work she could do? Did it mention and define personal conduct?

How is it even possible that still exists? I thought that it had been well established that the CEO was crazy years ago.

I always thought that David Lynch destroyed that prop after making Eraserhead...

The law specifically requires the victim to press charges before an arrest can be made. This means that the onus for policing is on the copyright holders. It's no wonder there haven't been any arrests.

Yeah. In retrospect, I don't really even care about that guy owning a bunch of porn. It's not really that big a deal...I just thought his family might feel a little awkward, but that's hardly a big deal, either.

Yes, awkward. That's the word I've been using since the beginning. It's all very awkward for everyone.

Wait a minute, I get it now. Looking through your comments on other threads, it's all so clear to me now. You really are a troll. You are trolling on purpose aren't you?

You are the troll, man. You started all of this. You started the insults. I was very patient before I started insulting you, but you were insulting me from the very beginning because of something you imagined I had said.

And comprehending sarcasm is not your strength. I read somewhere that one in four adults cannot really understand sarcasm, so it's not really a big deal.

I'm sorry; I had assumed that I was speaking to a native English speaker. I think that this whole problem stems from misinterpretations of the nuances of my statements. I just want to say that I did not intend to say, or in fact say, the things that you think I said. If you had said from the beginning that English was

Do you even realize that this story took place in Japan? Did you even read the story? I am telling you, DVDs do not cost $10 in Japan, even if they're used. Believe me, I have been to porn shops in Japan. Have you also considered when DVDs came into common use? He had about 15 years to assemble that collection.