Jesse in Japan

How are you trying to use the word "maven" there?

The game clearly depicts a man in the woods looking for his penis, which has become detached and fallen to the ground. Therefore, the game is too obscene for Apple.

Don't military installation usually have big signs on them that say "NO PHOTOGRAPHY?"

It's hard to tell in the picture, but the condoms actually have very tiny holes in the tips...thus, what you see in the rest of the picture.

It's just a typo. They meant to type 同姓 (same family name). Japanese people make typos too, you know?

Watching that clip, all I could think was, "Geeze, lady, you're like three feet away. Just aim for the head and get it over with."

They must have gotten the idea from Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei. They had a story where they made fun of how pointy chins are in shojo manga by showing the main character's chin growing longer and longer with each frame.

I think that a lot of the problem stems from the islands being uninhabited and close enough to being in between the two countries to make it difficult for either country to say, definitively, that they "owned" the islands before the modern age. It becomes a matter of "Where does the Okinawa archipelago end and another

Oh, yes. Because everyone knows that Russia just loves China so much because they're both "Communist" countries. They've loved each other since Mao and Khrushchev had all of those friendly policy agreements back in the 1960s. Seriously, read a history book.

What the hell has Japan done? I don't see any Japanese protesters/mobs acting like children.

That depends on how much you use the

Yeah, maybe I was reaching a bit on the example with Texas and, to be honest, I was using "the West" in place of "America," though I probably shouldn't presume to know where you're from.

Taking offense at something doesn't make a person an extremist. I think that it's hard for people in the West to understand what a territorial dispute is like.

Which country is being an asshole and which country has a legitimate claim to the islands are two completely separate issues.

I'm not talking about extreme voices; I'm talking about giving the appearance of supporting one side or the other in an article that is otherwise very neutral.

You might want to put quotation marks around "Diaoyu" if you're going to put them around "Senkaku." That's how sensitive this issue can get...

Translation: Good, but not so good and actually kind of bad.

In that sentence, "chicken-foot garnish" is being used as a compound modifier and therefore doesn't need to be plural. You wouldn't say "He is a PC games player;" you would say that he is a "PC game player," regardless of whether he plays one game or more.

This is exactly the reason why we have this little thing called "contracts" so that two "parties" to an "agreement" can clarify their respective "duties and obligations" to each other before "accepting airplane tickets and going to another country." I feel bad for the bloggers because of what happened, but you need to